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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

YU Qiong,SUN Jiaqiu,YUAN Weihang.Experimental study on bond behavior between ribbed steel bars and sleeve constrained grouting material[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(12):98.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201711108
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(同济大学 结构工程与防灾研究所,上海200092)
关键词:  套筒约束  黏结与滑移  本构关系  临界锚固长度  能量分析
Experimental study on bond behavior between ribbed steel bars and sleeve constrained grouting material
YU Qiong,SUN Jiaqiu,YUAN Weihang
(Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
To study the bond behavior between the ribbed steel bars and sleeve constrained grouting material, pull-out tests were conducted on 45 specimens. The failure modes, ultimate bearing capacity and ultimate average bond strength were studied. The influences of bar diameter, anchorage length and sleeve dimension on the ultimate average bond strength were discussed. Bond-slip constitutive relations between the ribbed steel bars and grout constrained by sleeve were fitted. Equations were proposed for calculating the characteristic bond strengths and their corresponding slip value. Critical anchorage lengths, at which length bar broke or yielded and bar-grout slippage occurred at the same time, were calculated. The test results showed that with the increase of the bar diameter, the ultimate bearing capacity increased, and the ultimate average bond strength increased as a whole. With the increase of anchorage length, the ultimate bearing capacity increased, but the ultimate average bond strength decreased. In the range from 13.78% to 18.51%, the increase of steel content had little positive effect on the average bond strength. Because no coarse aggregate is contained in the grout, the slip value corresponding to the ultimate average bonding strength when the steel bar was anchored in grout was greater than that when the steel bar was anchored in concrete. Based on the energy analysis of the bond slip curve, it concluded that as the diameter and anchorage length of the bar increased, the brittleness coefficient of the specimen decreased generally, indicating the increase of the specimen’s ductility. Due to the confinement of the sleeve, the critical anchorage length decreased greatly.
Key words:  sleeve constraint  bond and slip  constitutive relation  critical anchorage length  energy analysis