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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHANG Jie,LI Hailing,LI Dong,LIU Bo,LI Shuai,CAO Meizhong.Domestic sewage treatment by partial nitritation and phosphorus removal granular sludge in gradient aerated SBR[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2019,51(8):1.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201805039
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(1.水质科学与水环境恢复工程北京市重点实验室(北京工业大学),北京 100124; 2.城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学),哈尔滨 150090)
为实现生活污水中总磷和有机物的去除,同时实现部分亚硝化,在常温条件下(17~19 ℃),采用SBR反应器接种配水培养的强化生物除磷颗粒污泥,对生活污水的除磷亚硝化效果进行研究.结果表明,配水启动的强化生物除磷颗粒污泥经过27 d的培养可以实现生活污水除磷,出水总磷(TP)质量浓度达到1 mg/L以下,厌氧释磷量/厌氧COD去除量(ΔρTP/ΔρCOD)达到0.3;采取前90 min高曝气(500 mL/min),后120 min低曝气(200 mL/min)的梯度曝气运行模式,可以使亚硝酸盐积累率(RNA)从0增长到90%以上,亚硝酸盐氮(NO-2-N)质量浓度达到10 mg/L,同时TP及COD出水分别保持在0.5和50 mg/L以下.随工艺运行颗粒粒径从1 200 μm下降到1 090 μm,SVI值从32 mL/g降低到29 mL/g,蛋白与多糖比(PN与PS比)从2.0降低到1.2.生活污水虽然会导致颗粒粒径略微减小,但仍能保持在 1 000 μm以上,且使颗粒获得更好的沉降性能.采取高低梯度曝气方式可以实现除磷和亚硝化,总磷去除率达到95%,RNA达到90%以上,且颗粒性能稳定.
关键词:  生活污水  除磷  亚硝化  梯度曝气  亚硝酸盐积累率
Domestic sewage treatment by partial nitritation and phosphorus removal granular sludge in gradient aerated SBR
ZHANG Jie1,2,LI Hailing1,LI Dong1,LIU Bo1,LI Shuai2,CAO Meizhong1
(1.Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering (Beijing University of Technology), Beijing 100124, China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment (Harbin Institute of Technology), Harbin 150090, China)
In order to remove total phosphorus (TP) and organic matter in domestic sewage and achieve partial nitrification, an enhanced biological phosphorus removal granular sludge, which was cultivated with synthetic wastewater at room temperature (17-19 ℃), was used as inoculated sludge in this study. The effect of phosphorus removal and nitrosation on domestic sewage was studied. The experiment showed that the phosphorus removal of the granular sludge could be achieved through 27 d cultivation. The TP concentration of effluent could reach less than 1 mg/L and the TP release in anaerobic stage ΔρTPCOD removal in anaerobic stage (ΔρCOD) could reach 0.3. The change of the aeration methods could make RNA increase from 0 to 90% in a short time. The concentration of NO- 2-N reached 10 mg/L,and the concentration of TP and COD in the effluent were kept below 0.5 and 50 mg/L, respectively. The particle size decreased from 1 200 μm to 1 000 μm and the value of SVI reduced from 32 mL/g to 29 mL/g. The ratio of protein (PN) to polysaccharide (PS) dropped from 2.0 to 1.2. Although the particle size slightly decreased due to domestic sewage, it remained larger than 1 000 μm and the particles possessed better settleability. Thus, the adoption of high and low gradient aeration can achieve phosphorus removal and nitrosation with the removal rate of TP reaching 95%, RNA reaching over 90%, and the particle performance remaining stable.
Key words:  domestic sewage  phosphorus removal  nitrosation  gradient aeration  nitrite accumulation rate