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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

NIE Shanjun,WANG Mingfu,GAO Xiaodong,LIAO Jingyu.Extraction of the temperature-dependent thermoelectric material parameters of thermoelectric cooler[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2019,51(11):68.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201901092
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(1.中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都 610209; 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100149)
为获取通常情况下大部分厂家保密但在计算过程中所必须的热电制冷器(TEC)的热电材料参数,对温度依赖的热电材料参数进行了提取.利用一款一级TEC性能的测试结果,基于热电基本公式,根据两种不同的材料参数取值方法分别建立了两个超定方程组,通过对这两个方程组进行求解,分别提取了两组TEC的热电材料参数.并用所提取的两组热电材料参数对另一款相同材料的5级TEC性能进行了计算以验证所提取材料参数的有效性.结果表明:厂家性能曲线误差随级数增加而增大,对于5级TEC,制冷温度误差可达20 K以上,这在TEC选型中应予以重视;本文所提取的材料参数在计算另一款5级TEC制冷温度时,不同制冷量下误差最大为1.6 K~6.1 K.同时,电压的计算结果表明计算模型中接触电阻是不可忽略的,通过所提取的电阻误差对电压的计算进行修正后,在TEC适用工作电流区间内,两组参数计算的电压相对误差分别小于4.80%和7.00%.本文方法计算的制冷温度误差约为极值法误差的1/5~1/2,约为厂家参数误差的1/10~1/4,准确度与有限元法利用热电材料参数实测值计算的结果近似,可有效的用于相同材料TEC的性能评估.
关键词:  热电制冷器  热电材料参数  温度依赖  制冷温度  电压
Extraction of the temperature-dependent thermoelectric material parameters of thermoelectric cooler
NIE Shanjun1,2,WANG Mingfu1,GAO Xiaodong1,LIAO Jingyu1
(1.Institute of Optics and Electronics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610209, China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100149, China)
This study extracted temperature-dependent thermoelectric material parameters of thermoelectric cooler (TEC), which are indispensible in calculation of TECs performance but usually kept confidential by manufacturers. Based on the test results of a one-stage TEC and the basic thermoelectric formula, two over-determined equations were deduced by two methods of obtaining material parameters. Then two groups of material parameters were extracted by solving the two equations, and were used to calculate and experimentally verify the performance of a five-stage TEC made of the same material. Results show that the performance error provided by manufacturer became larger with the increase of the stage. The cooling temperature error of the five-stage TEC was higher than 20 K which should be noticed in the selection of the TECs. The cooling temperature error of the five-stage TEC calculated by the extracted parameters varied between 1.6~6.1 K for different cooling capacities. The calculated result of the voltage indicates that the error of the electronic resistance in the calculation model was not negligible. After modifying the voltage calculation by the extracted electrical resistance errors, the relative errors of the voltages in the working current range of TEC calculated by the two groups of parameters were lower than 4.80% and 7.00%, respectively. The maximum calculated cooling temperature error of the proposed method was about 1/5~1/2 of that by extreme value method, 1/10~1/4 of that by manufacturer. Its accuracy was comparable to the calculated result of the finite element method using the exact material parameters. This method can be used to effectively evaluate the performance of TECs with same materials.
Key words:  thermoelectric cooler  thermoelectric material parameters  temperature-dependent  cooling temperature  voltage