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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHAO Lin,LUO Zhibin,DING Jicheng,WU Mouyan.Signal acquisition technique aided by navigation filter in GNSS receiver[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(3):165.DOI:10.11918/201810175
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(哈尔滨工程大学 自动化学院, 哈尔滨 150001)
为了充分利用GNSS接收机导航滤波器先验信息对基带信号处理过程的捕获进行辅助,以提高捕获速度及灵敏度,以北斗B1I信号为研究对象,开展GNSS接收机导航滤波器辅助估计伪码相位、载波多普勒、NH码相位研究. 首先引入“虚拟路径”的概念计算伪码相位,并详细推导了由导航滤波器直接计算接收信号伪码相位的算法. 然后对伪码相位及多普勒频率的误差源和传播特性进行详细分析. 最后进行了捕获性能理论仿真分析. 结果表明:导航滤波器辅助伪码相位与多普勒频率估计条件下,能够将捕获灵敏度提高1.1 dB,平均捕获时间为1 ms;进一步加入对NH码相位估计的辅助从而扩展相干积分时间为20 ms,则额外可以提供12.8 dB的灵敏度提升,平均捕获时间为20 ms. 通过导航滤波器中的先验信息对信号捕获进行辅助,能够提高信号捕获性能,同时有助于降低无辅助条件下捕获装置频繁运行带来的功率损耗,所提出的算法可以直接应用到GNSS接收机及GNSS/INS深组合导航系统中.
关键词:  全球卫星导航系统  导航滤波器  辅助捕获  性能分析  灵敏度  捕获时间
Signal acquisition technique aided by navigation filter in GNSS receiver
ZHAO Lin,LUO Zhibin,DING Jicheng,WU Mouyan
(College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)
In Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, the prior information of navigation filter can be used to aid signal acquisition in order to increase acquisition speed and improve sensitivity. By taking the BDS B1I signal as the research object, studies on the estimation of pseudo-random code phase, carrier Doppler, and NH code phase aided by navigation filter in GNSS receiver were carried out. First, the concept of “virtual route” was introduced to derive the computing method of pseudo-random code phase by directly using navigation filter. Then, the error sources and propagation characteristics of pseudo-random code phase and Doppler frequency were analyzed thoroughly. Finally, the theoretical simulation analysis of acquisition performance was conducted. Results show that when estimating pseudo-random code phase and Doppler frequency aided by navigation filter, the acquisition sensitivity was improved by 1.1 dB, and the mean acquisition time was 1 ms. By further aiding the estimation of the NH code phase, the coherent time was extended to 20 ms, the additional acquisition sensitivity improvement of 12.8 dB was achieved, and the corresponding mean acquisition time was 20 ms. The performance of signal acquisition could be improved by utilizing the prior information of navigation filter. Meanwhile, the power consumption caused by frequently running of unaided acquisition engine could be decreased. The algorithms proposed in this paper can be directly applied in GNSS receiver or GNSS/INS deep integration system.
Key words:  GNSS  navigation filter  acquisition aiding  performance analysis  sensitivity  acquisition time