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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

GAO Yan’e,ZHANG Jing,WANG Jiugen.Tooth surface design of hob for four point contact gears with ladder shape of teeth[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(7):75.DOI:10.11918/201909091
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(1. 浙江大学 机械工程学院,杭州,310058;2. 西南大学 工程技术学院,重庆;400715; [KH-*2]3.浙江双环传动机械股份有限公司,浙江 台州,317600)
为获得具有良好接触特性的啮合齿面,在共轭曲线原理的基础上提出分阶式多点接触齿轮. 以分阶式四点接触齿轮为例,设计齿轮的基本齿形并进行滚刀的齿面设计. 基本齿形分为工作齿廓和非工作齿廓. 工作齿廓分为凸段和凹段,凸段采用圆弧曲线展成上啮合齿面,凹段采用抛物线曲线展成下啮合齿面;非工作齿廓均采用圆弧分别展成过渡齿面和齿根齿面. 建立滚刀的数学模型和精确实体模型,根据齿轮啮合理论推导滚刀的工作齿面、过渡齿面和齿根齿面方程,通过编程求解滚刀齿面方程,并建立滚刀的三维实体模型. 加工获得了滚刀实体,并进行了分阶式四点接触齿轮副滚切试制. 完成齿轮样机的装配,进行了接触印痕检验,结果显示满足设计要求. 研究成果是对共轭曲线原理的扩展,研究方法适用于其他分阶式多点接触齿轮.
关键词:  点接触齿轮  滚刀齿面方程  多点接触  共轭曲线齿轮  试制加工
Tooth surface design of hob for four point contact gears with ladder shape of teeth
GAO Yan’e 1,2,3,ZHANG Jing3,WANG Jiugen1
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058,China; 2. College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715,China; 3. Shuanghuan Driveline co., LTD., Taizhou 317600, Zhejiang, China)
To obtain gear meshing surfaces with good contact characteristics, multi-point contact gears with ladder shape of teeth is proposed based on the principle of conjugate curves. Four-point contact gears with ladder shape of teeth is taken as an example to present the design of basic tooth profiles and tooth surface design of hob. Basic tooth profiles are divided into two sections, non-working profiles and working profiles containing convex part and concave part. A circular arc and a parabolic curve are adopted as working tooth profiles to generate the upper meshing surface and the lower meshing surface respectively. Non-working tooth profiles contain a transition profile and a dedendum profile. Two circular arcs are adopted for non-working profiles. According to basic tooth profiles and gear meshing theory, the equations of the hob’s working, transition and dedendum surfaces are derived and solved by a developed program. The exactitude solid model of the hob is set up. The hob was manufactured and applied for generating gears. The four-point contact gear drive with ladder shape of teeth is acquired and the gear box prototype was assembled. The contact pattern of the gear drive is detected. Results show that the gears satisfy the design requirement. The paper is an extension of the principle of conjugate curve. The research method is suitable for other multi-point contact gears with ladder shape of teeth.
Key words:  point contact gears  tooth surface equation of hob  multi-point contact  conjugate curve gears  trial production