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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

CHENG Guozhu,CHENG Rui,XUE Changlong,LIU Xingwang.Setting of gradient speed limit for safety in freeway reconstruction and extension[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(9):185.DOI:10.11918/201906022
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(1.东北林业大学 交通学院, 哈尔滨 150040; 2.吉林省高等级公路建设局, 长春 130033; 3.北京中交华安科技有限公司, 北京 100088)
为保障高速公路改扩建过程中的施工安全和行车安全,开展改扩建作业区上游限速标志的设置研究,基于驾驶人白天和夜间行车过程中的视觉特性和制动特性,构建驾驶人视认距离模型及限速标志前置距离模型,提出一种高速公路作业区昼夜渐变限速标志间距计算方法,并将该方法应用于珲乌高速公路吉林至龙嘉机场段改扩建工程中. 最后利用基于运动学的计算方法得到了不同限速标志间的车辆平均减速度特性. 研究结果表明:随着限速标志限速值的增大,相邻限速标志的昼夜设置间距随之增大,二者呈正线性相关,且夜间限速标志设置间距大于白天限速标志设置间距;随着限速标志限速值的减小,车辆昼夜平均减速度随之减小,二者近似呈正线性相关,且夜间平均减速度小于白天平均减速度. 设置间距值符合驾驶人行车减速过程中的心理生理特征,证实了所构建的间距计算模型的合理性.
关键词:  交通工程  高速公路  改扩建作业区上游  昼夜渐变限速标志  设置间距  视觉特性
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(18YJAZH009); 吉林省交通运输科技项目(2018ZDGC-3)
Setting of gradient speed limit for safety in freeway reconstruction and extension
CHENG Guozhu1,CHENG Rui1,XUE Changlong2,LIU Xingwang3
(1. School of Traffic and Transportation, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China; 2. Jilin Provincial High Class Highway Construction Bureau, Changchun 130033, China; 3. Beijing Zhong Jiao Hua An Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China)
To guarantee the construction safety and traffic safety in the process of freeway reconstruction and extension, the setting of speed limit signs at the upstream of reconstruction and extension work zone was studied. Based on the analysis of the visual characteristics and braking characteristics of drivers in the process of driving in daytime and nighttime, the model of driver’s visual distance and the model of advance distance of speed limit sign were built, and a method for calculating the spacing of gradient speed limit signs at the upstream of work zone was proposed, which was then applied to the reconstruction and extension work zone in Jilin to Longjia Airport section of Huiwu Freeway. In the end, based on kinematics calculation method, the vehicle mean deceleration characteristics between different speed limit signs were obtained. Results show that with the increase of the values of speed limit, the spacing of adjacent speed limit signs in daytime and nighttime increased, which were positively linear correlated, and the spacing of speed limit signs in nighttime was greater than that in daytime. With the decrease of the values of speed limit, the mean deceleration of the vehicle in daytime and nighttime decreased, which were approximately in a positive linear correlation, and the mean deceleration in nighttime was less than that in daytime. The setting of spacing accorded with the psychological and physiological characteristics of drivers during the process of driving deceleration, which proves the rationality of the proposed calculation model for spacing.
Key words:  traffic engineering  freeway  upstream of reconstruction and extension work zone  gradient speed limit signs in daytime and nighttime  spacing  visual characteristics