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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

KANG Guohua,LIU Qixian,WU Jiaqi,WANG Qiang.Compliant control for reconfiguration of combination body of micro-nano satellites under constraint of magnetic hinge[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(12):66.DOI:10.11918/201905200
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(南京航空航天大学 航天学院,南京 210016)
为使磁铰链约束下的微纳聚合体卫星克服磁铰链阻力矩的阻碍作用成功实现变构,并防止变构过程中磁铰链的脱附,减小模块再拼接时的碰撞冲击,设计了一种用于微纳聚合体卫星的柔顺变构控制方法.首先利用第2类拉格朗日方程建立了磁铰链约束下的多刚体系统的动力学模型,设计了微纳聚合体卫星变构的模糊控制律; 然后根据柔顺控制的要求设计了一种量化因子Ke与Kc的模糊调节器,引入到原模糊控制器中以改进控制方法. 此控制方法具有不依赖系统动力学模型、仅需对参与变构的模块施加控制的优点. 为量化评估变构过程的柔顺程度,设计了两个柔顺程度评估参数; 最后通过仿真与气浮台物理试验对控制方法进行了验证,对比了固定量化因子与量化因子在线调节两种控制方法下变构过程的柔顺程度. 数学仿真与气浮台的物理试验结果表明, 改进后的模糊控制相比于固定量化因子的模糊控制,可使变构过程中模块相对运动角速度变化更加平缓,模块再拼接时相对角速度更小,达到了柔顺变构的目标.
关键词:  磁铰链  微纳聚合体卫星  构型重构  柔顺控制  模糊控制
Compliant control for reconfiguration of combination body of micro-nano satellites under constraint of magnetic hinge
KANG Guohua,LIU Qixian,WU Jiaqi,WANG Qiang
(Academy of Astronautics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
To overcome the obstruction of resistance moment of magnetic hinge so as to realize the reconfiguration of combination body of micro-nano satellites (CBMS), and meanwhile prevent the magnetic hinge from desorbing and reduce the impact when modules re-splicing, a compliant control method was proposed. First, the dynamic model of the multibody system under the constraint of magnetic hinge was established by using the second kind of Lagrangian equation, and the fuzzy control law of reconfiguration was designed. Then, a fuzzy regulator of quantization factors Ke and Kc was introduced into the original controller to improve the proposed control method. The method has two advantages: one is that it does not rely on the dynamic model of the system and the other is that only the module participating in reconfiguration needs to be controlled. In order to evaluate the compliance degree of reconfiguration quantitatively, two parameters were designed. Lastly, the compliance degrees of reconfiguration using the original controller and the improved controller were compared through simulations and physical experiments. The results of mathematical simulations and physical experiments on the air-bearing platform show that compared with the fuzzy controller whose quantization factors are constant, the improved control method could make the angular velocity of the module change more gently during reconfiguration, and the relative angular velocity was smaller when the modules were re-spliced, which indicates that the proposed method can achieve the target of compliant reconfiguration.
Key words:  magnetic hinge  combination body of micro-nano satellites  reconfiguration  compliant control  fuzzy control