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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

WANG Jie,DING Dali,CHEN Cheng,HONG Jiefeng.UCAV trial maneuvering decision under missile attack state assessment[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2021,53(6):118.DOI:10.11918/201908046
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(1.中国人民解放军95835部队,乌鲁木齐 841700; 2.空军工程大学 航空工程学院,西安 710038)
为提高空战决策及轨迹生成过程的真实性与可靠性,空战决策过程应紧紧围绕可靠的气动耦合模型和制导武器的作战使用性能实现,为此提出了基于导弹攻击状态评估下的UCAV试探机动决策. 首先,分析了UCAV试探机动决策系统的构建思路;其次,建立了基于气动耦合模型的UCAV试探机动决策方案,通过精细划分的方式,设计了1 331种UCAV试探机动策略;然后,基于空空导弹的作战使用实际,构建了包含角度、距离和能量决策因子的决策评价函数,设计了基于统计学原理的机动决策方法;最后,提出并构建了基于导弹攻击状态评估的权重因子分级模型,使决策因子权重随导弹攻击状态自适应变化. 结果表明,通过分别设置UCAV与目标在两组对抗条件3种不同空战初始态势下的对抗仿真实验,验证了所构建的试探机动决策方案及权重因子分级模型在不同空战态势下的决策能力和有效水平. 本研究为紧密结合空空导弹作战应用实际的空战决策类问题提供了一种新的思路,所构建的决策策略有利于空空导弹作战使用性能的充分发挥.
关键词:  UCAV  试探机动  导弹攻击状态评估  机动决策  空战
UCAV trial maneuvering decision under missile attack state assessment
WANG Jie1,2,DING Dali2,CHEN Cheng1,HONG Jiefeng1
(1.Unit 95835 of People’s Liberation Army of China, Urumchi 841700, China; 2.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China)
To improve the authenticity and reliability of the air combat decision-making and trajectory generation process, the air combat decision-making process should focus on the reliable aerodynamic coupling model and the operational performance of the guided weapon. Therefore, the unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) trial maneuvering decision based on missile attack state assessment was proposed. First, the construction idea of the UCAV trial maneuvering decision system was analyzed. Next, a UCAV heuristic maneuver decision scheme was established based on aerodynamic coupling model, and 1 331 UCAV trial maneuver strategies were designed by means of fine division. Then, based on the operational application of air-to-air missile, a decision evaluation function including angle, distance, and energy decision factors was constructed, and a maneuver decision method was designed according to the principle of statistics. Finally, a weight factor grading model based on missile attack state assessment was proposed and constructed to ensure the weight of the decision factor changed adaptively with missile attack state. By setting up UCAV and target respectively in two sets of confrontation conditions under three different initial combat situations, simulation experiments were conducted to verify the decision-making ability and effective level of the proposed trial maneuver decision-making scheme and weight factor grading model under different combat situations. This method provides an idea for solving the air combat decision-making problems combined with actual air-to-air missile combat applications, and the constructed decision-making strategy is conducive to giving full play to the operational performance of air-to-air missile.
Key words:  UCAV  trial maneuvering  missile attack state assessment  decision making  air combat