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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

GUAN Yinghong,CHEN Lijun,WANG Panpan,YANG Songyu,CHEN Jin.Kinetics of trimethoprim and enrofloxacin degradation by UV and UVperoxides[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2023,55(2):27.DOI:10.11918/202205015
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(1.东北农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,哈尔滨 150030;2.哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院,哈尔滨 150090)
针对地表水中磺胺类抗生素和喹诺酮类抗菌药物被频繁检出这一问题,以磺胺类抗生素甲氧苄啶(TMP)和喹诺酮类抗菌药物恩诺沙星(EFX)为目标物,对比分析了单独紫外(UV)、紫外/过氧单硫酸盐(UV/PMS)、紫外/过氧二硫酸盐(UV/PDS)和紫外/过氧化氢(UV/H2O2)在不同水体背景条件下的除污染效率与降解动力学,进一步计算不同pH条件下TMP和EFX的光分解量子产率。结果表明:TMP和EFX紫外光分解的假一级速率常数k0随pH增加而增加,且EFX光分解的k0显著大于TMP。在pH 3.0、7.0和11.0条件下,计算得到TMP和EFX的量子产率(λ=254 nm)分别为0.001 0、0.001 3、0.003 6和0.005 3、0.051 1、0.064 5。过氧化物的加入增加了TMP和EFX的降解速率,且对自身光分解慢的TMP影响更为显著。超纯水背景条件下,在pH 3.0和7.0时,UV/PDS对TMP和EFX降解的k0最大,而在pH 11.0时,UV/PMS体系的k0最大。自来水背景条件下,UV/PMS和UV/PDS对TMP的降解速率相近,大于UV/H2O2;对于EFX的降解,UV/PDS效果最好。地表水背景条件下,3种氧化体系对TMP降解效率相差不大,UV/H2O2去除最佳;而对EFX的降解,UV/PDS的降解速率最快。
关键词:  紫外/过氧单硫酸盐  紫外/过氧二硫酸盐  紫外/过氧化氢  甲氧苄啶  恩诺沙星
Kinetics of trimethoprim and enrofloxacin degradation by UV and UVperoxides
GUAN Yinghong1,CHEN Lijun1,WANG Panpan2,YANG Songyu1,CHEN Jin1
(1.School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China; 2.School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China)
Due to the frequent detection of sulfonamides and quinolones in surface water, trimethoprim (TMP) and enrofloxacin (EFX) were selected as target compounds to compare the degradation efficiency and kinetics of TMP and RFX in UV, UV/peroxymonosulfate (UV/PMS), UV/persulfate (UV/PDS), and UV/hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2) under different water matrix backgrounds. The quantum yields of TMP and EFX photodegradation were calculated at different pH values. Results show that the pseudo first-order rate constant k0 of TMP and EFX increased with the increase in pH, and the k0 of EFX photodegradation was significantly greater than that of TMP. At pH 3.0,7.0, and 11.0, the quantum yields of TMP and EFX photodegradation (λ=254 nm) were calculated as 0.001 0,0.001 3,0.003 6, and 0.005 3,0.051 1,0.064 5, respectively. The coupling of peroxides with UV increased the degradation rate of TMP and EFX, and an obvious enhancement was observed for TMP degradation, which had a small k0 of photodegradation. Under the background of ultrapure water, the k0 of TMP and EFX degradation by UV/PDS was the largest at pH 3.0 and 7.0, while the k0 of UV/PMS system was the largest at pH 11.0. In tap water, the degradation rates of TMP by UV/PMS and UV/PDS were close, which were greater than that of UV/H2O2 system, while for EFX degradation, the degradation efficiency of UV/PDS was the largest. In surface water, the efficiencies of TMP degradation by the three systems were close, among which UV/H2O2 was the best, while the degradation rate of UV/PDS for EFX was the highest.
Key words:  UV/peroxymonosulfate  UV/persulfate  UV/hydrogen peroxide  trimethoprim  enrofloxacin