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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

TANG Jianhui,CHEN Xudong,BAI Yin,CAO Xiaowu.Erosion damage and evaluation model of polymer cement protective layer on concrete[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2023,55(2):88.DOI:10.11918/202205067
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(1.河海大学 土木与交通学院,南京 210098; 2.南京水利科学研究院 材料结构研究所,南京 210029; 3.深圳市东江水源工程管理处,广东 深圳 518036)
为探究输调水工程混凝土表面聚合物水泥防护层在经受高速水流作用下冲蚀损伤机制,利用改进的高压水枪冲蚀试验设备研究防护层的冲蚀特性。通过三维扫描提取冲蚀区域的最大长度、最大宽度、最大深度以及体积4种特征参数,分析不同喷射压力、喷射长度、喷射角度和喷射时间下防护层的冲蚀损伤形态、损伤参数演变规律及损伤机制。以防护层冲蚀最大深度为目标值,建立基于Logistic回归函数的防护层蚀变深度预测模型。结果表明:相同工况下,防护层的4种冲蚀损伤特征参数都随喷射压力和冲蚀时间的增加而增加。喷射长度的增加(从喷射长度为0.5 cm增加到6.6 cm)使防护层的冲蚀形态由“沙漏”向“条形”转变,该过程中水力劈裂对防护层与混凝土界面处的破坏效果降低。构建的防护层蚀变深度预测模型具有很好的准确性,可以通过增大喷射长度和喷射角度显著降低防护层的冲蚀损伤程度,这为实际混凝土工程表面防护设计提供了参考依据。
关键词:  输水隧洞  混凝土  聚合物水泥防护层  冲蚀损伤  评估模型
Erosion damage and evaluation model of polymer cement protective layer on concrete
TANG Jianhui1,CHEN Xudong1,BAI Yin2,CAO Xiaowu3
(1.College of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 2.Materials & Structural Engineering Department, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China; 3.Dongjiang Water Source Project Management Division of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518036, Guangdong, China)
In order to explore the erosion damage mechanism of polymer cement protective layer on concrete surface of water transfer project under the action of high-speed water flow, the erosion characteristics of protective layer were studied by using improved high-pressure water gun erosion test equipment. Four characteristic parameters including maximum length, maximum width, maximum depth, and volume of erosion area were extracted by 3D scanning. The erosion damage pattern, damage parameter evolution law, and damage mechanism of protective layer under different spray pressure, spray length, spray angle, and spray time were analyzed. Taking the maximum erosion depth of protective layer as the target value, a prediction model of protective layer erosion depth based on Logistic regression function was established. Results show that under the same working conditions, the four erosion damage characteristic parameters of protective layer all increased with the increase in spray pressure and erosion time. With the increase in spray length (from 0.5 cm to 6.6 cm), the erosion pattern of protective layer changed from "hourglass" to "strip". In this process, the damage effect of hydraulic fracturing on the interface between protective layer and concrete decreased. The proposed prediction model of erosion depth of protective layer achieved good accuracy, and the erosion damage degree of protective layer could be significantly reduced by increasing the spray length and spray angle, which provides a reference for the surface protection design of concrete engineering.
Key words:  water conveyance tunnel  concrete  polymer cement protective layer  erosion damage  evaluation model