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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

QIANG Xuhong,LU Qiang,JIANG Xu,CHEN Wulong.Tensile tests of high strength steel T-stubs at ambient temperature and high temperature[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2023,55(9):122.DOI:10.11918/202205014
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(同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092)
为研究高温下高强钢T型连接的受拉性能,对11个常温下和17个高温下的T型连接试件进行拉伸试验,其中包括300、400、500、600 ℃等多种高温环境下Q355、Q460、Q690、S690、S960等不同强度钢材的T型连接,通过试验得到各T型连接的初始拉伸刚度、抗拉承载力、破坏模式等。将试验结果与欧洲规范和中国规程的计算结果进行对比,以期校验规范对于高强钢T型连接的适用性,并分析翼缘强度、翼缘厚度、螺栓强度、螺栓直径、螺栓位置以及高温温度等多种因素对T型连接受拉性能的影响。常温与高温下的试验结果表明:欧洲规范和中国规程对高温下高强钢T型连接初始拉伸刚度的估算偏于危险,而对抗拉承载力而言偏于保守;与普通钢T型连接相比,薄翼缘高强钢T型连接能在保持承载能力相当的情况下,具有更好的变形能力;当螺栓离腹板距离和翼缘距离的比值小于1时,增大螺栓离腹板的距离会显著降低T型连接的初始拉伸刚度和抗拉承载力;螺栓直径的增加将增大T型连接初始拉伸刚度值,但螺栓强度对初始拉伸刚度影响不大。本文研究成果可为高强钢端板连接节点及其等效T型连接的抗火设计提供试验依据,为相关规范修订提供参考。
关键词:  高强钢  T型连接  拉伸试验  受拉性能  高温下
Tensile tests of high strength steel T-stubs at ambient temperature and high temperature
QIANG Xuhong,LU Qiang,JIANG Xu,CHEN Wulong
(College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
To investigate the tensile properties of high strength steel T-stubs at high temperature, we carried out tensile tests on 11 T-stubs at ambient temperature and 17 T-stubs at high temperature, including T-stubs made of Q355, Q460, Q690, S690, and S960 with different strengths under various high temperature conditions, i.e. 0,0, 500, and 600 ℃. The initial tensile stiffness, tensile capacity, and failure modes of T-stubs under different test conditions were obtained. The test results were compared with the theoretical calculation results of European and Chinese codes to verify the applicability of the codes for high strength steel T-stubs. Moreover, the effects of flange strength, flange thickness, bolt strength, bolt diameter, bolt position, and high temperature on the tensile properties of T-stubs were analyzed. Results showed that the European code and Chinese code overestimated the initial tensile stiffness of T-stubs at high temperature, and were conservative in terms of tensile load-bearing capacity. Compared with ordinary steel T-stubs, the high strength steel T-stubs with thin-walled flange had better deformation capacity while maintaining the same load-bearing capacity. When the ratio of the distance between bolt and web to the distance between bolt and flange was less than 1, increasing the distance between the bolt and the web could significantly reduce the initial tensile stiffness and tensile load-bearing capacity of the T-stubs. The increase in the bolt diameter improved the initial tensile stiffness of T-subs, while the bolt strength had little influence on the initial tensile stiffness. The research results can provide experimental basis for the fire-resistance design of high strength steel end-plate connections and their equivalent T-stubs, which are reference for the revision of relevant design codes.
Key words:  high strength steel  T-stub  tensile test  tensile property  at high temperature