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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

WANG Zongbin,HAN Yizhuo,MA Yuhao,YE Yanxia.Seismic performance experimental research on a fully precast RC column with new replaceable energy-consuming joint between columns[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2024,56(10):46.DOI:10.11918/202307002
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(长安大学 建筑工程学院,西安 710061)
关键词:  可更换耗能节点  拟静力试验  抗震性能  受力机制  骨架曲线模型
Seismic performance experimental research on a fully precast RC column with new replaceable energy-consuming joint between columns
WANG Zongbin,HAN Yizhuo,MA Yuhao,YE Yanxia
(School of Civil Engineering,Chang′an University, Xi′an 710061, China)
In order to enhance the industrialization level and repairability of prefabricated structures, a novel fully precast reinforced concrete (RC) inter-column replaceable energy-consuming joint (RECJ) was proposed and applied to the ground floor columns of frame structures in this paper. A pseudo-static reciprocating loading test was carried out on two precast column specimens connected by RECJ and a cast in situ column comparison specimen. After loading the long tenon joint specimen to an interlayer displacement angle of 1/25, the damaged connecting plate was replaced and loaded under the same conditions. The specimens were then loaded under the same conditions. The performance analysis includes the failure mode, hysteresis curve, skeleton curve characteristics, degradation characteristic of stiffness and bearing capacity, ductility and the energy dissipation capacity as well as the strain changes of the connecting steel plate and the steel bar in the column. The results showed that the damage of the bottom column of the new fully precast frame are mainly concentrated on the connecting steel plate of RECJ, while other parts of the specimen remain largely elastic. In addition, the hysteresis curve of RECJ exhibits a full and plump shape, which indicates significant improvements in energy dissipation, ductility and stiffness degradation compared to the cast in situ comparison column. Overall, the specimens with longer tenon lengths outperform those with shorter tenons, which shows better seismic performance and equivalent initial stiffness and bearing capacity to the cast in situ column. RECJ can quickly restore seismic performance of the structure by replacing damaged connection plates during major earthquakes. The stress mechanism of RECJ was analyzed, and the bending bearing capacity formula and angular deformation of RECJ during the yield and peak stages were proposed. The skeleton curve model was obtained based on the derived formula.
Key words:  replaceable energy-consuming joint(RECJ)  pseudo-static test  seismic performance  force mechanism  skeleton curve model