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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHU Zhangfeng,GUO Zhengxing,HUANG Dingding,CHEN Yaogang.Tensile properties of grout-anchored rebar butt connection for precast concrete component[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(1):120.DOI:10.11918/202309013
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(1.南京工业大学 土木工程学院,南京 211816;2.东南大学 土木工程学院,南京 211189; 3.江苏中南建筑产业集团有限责任公司,江苏 南通 226124)
为改善预制混凝土构件钢筋连接工艺及性能,提出一种预制混凝土构件钢筋浆锚对接连接技术。针对该新型钢筋连接的传力可靠性问题,开展了考虑钢筋直径、混凝土强度和浆锚长度变化的接头单向拉伸试验。试验结果表明,钢筋浆锚对接连接接头受拉性能由钢筋浆锚长度与帮条钢筋承载力共同控制,与混凝土强度无明显关系,表现为帮条钢筋配置相同的条件下,12 mm、14 mm直径连接钢筋试件分别在0.5la(受拉钢筋基本锚固长度)、0.6la钢筋浆锚长度条件下实现钢筋拉断,16 mm直径连接钢筋试件在0.6la钢筋浆锚长度条件下发生帮条钢筋拉断。结合数据分析,建议12~16 mm直径连接钢筋浆锚长度按0.6la控制,帮条钢筋与连接钢筋牌号相同的前提下,12~14 mm直径连接钢筋的帮条钢筋按4 C 8设计,16 mm直径连接钢筋的帮条钢筋应按6 C 8设计。同时,试验中钢筋镦头构造可保证钢筋充分锚固,其具体尺寸可用于指导钢筋加工;螺旋筋对接头受拉性能影响不明显,可参照本次试验参数进行设计。
关键词:  预制混凝土  钢筋连接  浆锚对接  帮条钢筋  受拉性能
Tensile properties of grout-anchored rebar butt connection for precast concrete component
ZHU Zhangfeng1,GUO Zhengxing2,HUANG Dingding1,CHEN Yaogang3
(1.College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China; 2.School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China; 3.Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Industry Group Co. Ltd., Nantong 226124, Jiangsu, China)
To enhance the process and performance of precast concrete component rebar connections, a grout-anchored rebar butt connection was proposed. Uniaxial tensile tests were conducted on the new type of rebar connection specimens, to assess the reliability of force transmission, considering variations in rebar diameter, concrete strength, and grouted length. The experimental results indicated that the tensile performance of the grout-anchored rebar butt connection was governed by both the grouted length of the rebar and the load-bearing capacity of the splice bars, with no significant correlation to the concrete strength. Under identical splice rebar configurations, specimens with 12 mm and 14 mm diameter rebars fractured with grouted lengths of 0.5la(basic anchorage length of the tensile steel bar) and 0.6la, respectively, while those with 16 mm diameter rebars fractured at grouted lengths of 0.6la. By data analysis suggested that the grouted length for connecting rebars with diameters ranging from 12 to 16 mm should be controlled to the value of 0.6la. Under the condition that the splice rebars and the connecting rebars are of the same grade, the splice rebars for 12~14 mm connecting rebars should be designed as 4C8, and those for 16 mm diameter connecting rebars as 6C8. Additionally, the rebar heading structure could ensure full anchorage of the rebars, and its specific dimensions could guide the rebar processing. The spiral reinforcement has no significant effect on the tensile performance of the rebar connection and can be designed with reference to the parameters of this test.
Key words:  precast concrete  rebar connection  grout-anchored rebar butt connections  splice rebars  tensile properties