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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

YU Qiong,AO Chengrui,TANG Ziming,GUO Lin,XIE Qinghai,ZHANG Zhi,CHEN Zhenhai.Influence of lap length and other factors on tensile performance of typeⅡAPC connector[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(1):128.DOI:10.11918/202311065
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(1.同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092;2.山西建筑工程集团有限公司,太原 030006; 3.山西二建集团有限公司,太原 030013)
为研究搭接长度和钢筋直径对Ⅱ型APC接头力学性能的影响,对63个该接头进行单向拉伸试验,分析了接头破坏模式、极限承载力、延性和黏结应力等。结果表明:钢筋直径相同时,随搭接长度增加,平均黏结应力降低,试件强度、延性、最大力总伸长率明显提高,残余变形整体呈下降趋势;钢筋拉断破坏试件强度、延性、最大力总伸长率和残余变形满足规范要求;加载过程中,套筒中部截面短边纵向和长边环向始终受拉;极限荷载下,随搭接长度增加,套筒中部截面短边侧环向压应变先转变为拉应变再向压应变发展,长边侧纵向压应变转变为拉应变;相对搭接长度相同时,极限承载力随钢筋直径增加而提高;提出的极限黏结强度及临界搭接长度计算公式与试验值吻合较好,可为实际工程应用提供参考。单拉工况下,钢筋直径不大于18 mm时,建议接头搭接长度大于12d。
关键词:  Ⅱ型APC接头  拉伸性能  搭接长度  黏结强度
Influence of lap length and other factors on tensile performance of typeⅡAPC connector
YU Qiong1,AO Chengrui1,TANG Ziming1,GUO Lin2,XIE Qinghai2,ZHANG Zhi3,CHEN Zhenhai3
(1.College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2.Shanxi Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd., Taiyuan 030006, China; 3.Shanxi Erjian Group Co. Ltd., Taiyuan 030013, China)
To study the effects of lap length and rebar diameter on the mechanical properties of typeⅡAPC connector, 63 specimens were subjected to uniaxial tensile test, and the failure mode, ultimate bearing capacity, ductility, and bond stress of the connector were analyzed. Test results showed that with the same diameter of rebars, as the lap length increased, the average bond stress decreased, and the strength, ductility, and total elongation at maximum force of the specimen had significantly increased. The residual deformation had decreased overall. The strength, ductility, total elongation at maximum force, and residual deformation of the specimen with tensile failure of rebars met the requirements of the specifications. During the loading process, the short side longitudinal and long side circumferential directions of the middle section of the sleeve were always under tension. Under ultimate load, as the lap length increased, the circumferential compressive strain on the short side of the middle section of the sleeve first transformed into tensile strain and then developed towards compressive strain, and the longitudinal compressive strain on the long side transformed into tensile strain. When the relative lap length was the same, the ultimate bearing capacity increased with the rebar diameter increased. The proposed formulas for calculating the ultimate bond strength and critical lap length are in good agreement with experimental values, and provide references for practical engineering applications. Under uniaxial tension, when the diameter of the rebar is not greater than 18 mm, it is recommended that the connector lap length should be greater than 12d.
Key words:  typeⅡAPC connector  tensile behavior  lap length  bond strength