引用本文: | 叶岳松,赵东平,王万祯,肖林峰.加强型Q460C方钢管间隙N型节点承载力研究[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2025,57(1):149.DOI:10.11918/202403050 |
| YE Yuesong,ZHAO Dongping,WANG Wanzhen,XIAO Linfeng.Study on bearing capacity of strengthened gap N-joints of Q460C steel square tube truss[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(1):149.DOI:10.11918/202403050 |
摘要: |
为考察加强构造对N型节点失效机理和承载力的影响规律,对加强节点和基本节点进行了主管轴压静力加载试验,试验结果表明:基本节点的破坏模式为主管上翼缘受拉鼓曲开裂,加强节点破坏模式为加劲板屈曲和覆板焊缝受拉开裂;加强节点的承载力较基本节点提高了9.4%~36.5%;增加覆板厚度,可明显提高节点承载力。采用ABAQUS软件对覆板和加劲板加强的Q460C方钢管间隙N型节点进行了有限元参数研究,考察了主管宽厚比γ、主支管厚度比η、主支管宽度比β、受拉支管与主管夹角θ、支管间距与主管宽度比ξ对节点破坏模式、应力分布、主管荷载位移曲线和覆板焊缝断裂指数If的影响规律。根据试验和数值模拟结果,提出了覆板和加劲板加强的Q460C方钢管间隙N型节点承载力计算式和构造设计建议。 |
关键词: Q460C方钢管 N型节点 有限元模拟 承载力计算式 |
DOI:10.11918/202403050 |
分类号:TU391 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:浙江省基础公益技术研究计划(LGF18E080007) |
Study on bearing capacity of strengthened gap N-joints of Q460C steel square tube truss |
YE Yuesong1,ZHAO Dongping2,WANG Wanzhen1,3,XIAO Linfeng4
(1.School of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Geography Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China; 2.China State Construction SilkRoad (Shaanxi) Construction Development Co. Ltd., Xian 710076, China; 3.Ningbo Key Lab of Energy Geostructure, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China; 4.Ningbo Housing Architcture Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., Ningbo 315042, Zhejiang, China)
Abstract: |
In order to investigate the effect of the stiffening structure on the failure mechanism and bearing capacity of the N-type joint, static loading tests under axial compression on brace were performed on strengthened joints and basic joint. The test results show that the failure mode of the basic joint is the buckling of the upper flange of chord, while the failure mode of the reinforced joints are the buckling of the stiffened ribs and the cracking of the weld between cover plate and flange of chord. The bearing capacity of the strengthened joint increases by 9.4%~36.5% compared with that of the basic joint. Increasing the thickness of the cover plate can obviously improve the bearing capacity of the gap N-joint. The finite element parameter study of the gap N-joints of Q460C steel square tube reinforced by clover plate and stiffening ribs was carried out by using ABAQUS software. The effects of the ratio of width to thickness of chords, γ, the ratio of the thickness of chord to brace, η, the ratio of the width of chord to brace, β, the angle between tensile brace and chord, θ, the ratio of the gap between two braces to the width of chord, ξ, on failure mode of gap N-joints, stress distribution, load-displacement curve of chord and fracture index, If of fillet weld between cover plate and chord flange were investigated. Based on the results of experiment and numerical simulation, the formula of bearing capacity calculation for the gap N-joints of Q460C steel square tube strengthened with cover plate and stiffening ribs was derived and the structural design suggestions were put forward. |
Key words: Q460C steel square tube N-joints finite element simulation formula of bearing capacity |