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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LENG Jun-qiang,FENG Yu-qin,ZHANG Ya-ping,QI Song.Road network capacity reliability based on generalized travel cost under ice and snowfall conditions[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2011,43(2):92.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2011.02.019
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冷军强1, 冯雨芹2,3, 张亚平3, 祁松4
为体现冰雪条件下出行者路径选择行为,准确评价路网容量可靠性,采用行程时间、行程时间可靠性及安全性的加权和定义广义出行费用,引入坡道行驶安全系数量化安全性出行费用,建立基于广义出行费用的随机用户平衡分配模型.从路段角度定义容量可靠性的概念,建立基于广义出行费用的路网容量可靠性模型,给出Monte Carlo仿真和交通规划模型相结合的算法.并在小型测试路网上进行计算,仿真结果表明:出行费用权系数,对路段及路网的容量可靠性影响显著,冒险的路径选择行为,使路网容量可靠性下降.
关键词:  广义出行费用  容量可靠性  蒙特卡罗仿真  冰雪条件  安全性
Road network capacity reliability based on generalized travel cost under ice and snowfall conditions
LENG Jun-qiang1, FENG Yu-qin2,3, ZHANG Ya-ping3, QI Song4
1.School of Automobile Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai,264209 Weihai,Shandong,China;2.School of Automobile and Transportation Engineering,Heilongjiang Institute of Technology,150050 Harbin,China;3.School of Transportation Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,150090 Harbin,China;4.Representative Office of PLA in Shenyang Railway Administration,028000 Tongliao,Inner Mongolia,China)
To describe the characteristics of travelers’ route choice and estimate capacity reliability of road network with ice and snowfall,the function of generalized travel cost was defined by using the weighted sum of travel time,travel time reliability and safety,and the safety coefficient of driving on ramp was introduced to quantify the safety cost index of driving under ice and snowfall conditions,so that a stochastic user equilibrium(SUE) assignment model was formulated on the assumption of minimization of generalized travel cost in choosing path.The capacity reliability was defined based on the viewpoint of links and its model of road network was set up.Moreover,an assessment method integrated Monte Carlo simulation and solution of traffic plan models was developed.The simulation results show that the weighted coefficients have conspicuous impacts on reliabilities of links and road network,and the adventure travelers’ attitude decreases the road network reliability.
Key words:  generalized travel cost  capacity reliability  Monte Carlo simulation  ice and snowfall conditions  safety