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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHAO Han-tao,GUO Dong.Model of pedestrians crossing time at signalized intersection with exclusive pedestrian phase[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2012,44(8):57.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2012.08.012
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赵韩涛1, 郭栋2
1.哈尔滨工业大学威海 汽车工程学院, 264209 山东 威海;2.山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 255000 山东 淄博
为确定有行人专用相位交叉口行人绿灯时间,研究了行人穿越交叉口的过街时间.利用交通波理论推导了行人跨越安全岛的时间函数,考虑同向、对向和交叉行人流的影响,借鉴HCM的行人过街时间模型构建了行人穿越交叉口对角的时间公式.采用录像法和人工测量法对威海市4个交叉口进行调查,统计分析得到:行人穿越交叉口对角和非实体安全岛的15%位速度为1.43 m/s,穿越实体安全岛的15%位速度为1.35 m/s;行人在对角通行的有效宽度为9 m和12 m;利用SPSS标定了模型参数.案例研究结果表明,所建模型能较为准确地预测行人过街时间,误差在5%以内.
关键词:  交通控制  行人专用相位  行人  过街时间  模型
Model of pedestrians crossing time at signalized intersection with exclusive pedestrian phase
ZHAO Han-tao1, GUO Dong2
1.Automotive Engineering Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, 264209 Weihai,Shandong,China;2.School of Transportation and Vehicle, Shandong University of Technology, 255000 Zibo,Shandong, China
To determine the time of green light for pedestrians at signalized intersection with exclusive pedestrian phase, a model for estimating crossing times is proposed. The model consists of two parts. The time function for pedestrian crossing refuges is derived using wave theory, and the time function for pedestrian crossing intersection diagonally is an adaptation of existing HCM model. The model attempts to describe the influence of dominant platoon, opposite platoon and rectangular cross pedestrian flow. According to the data extracted from video survey and artificial measurement of four intersections at Weihai, the statistical analysis comes to conclusions. The 15th percentile speed of pedestrians crossing intersection diagonally and non-physical refuges is 1.43 m/s, and that of pedestrians crossing physical refuges is 1.35 m/s. The effective widths of pedestrians crossing intersection diagonally are 9 meters and 12 meters. Finally, the model parameters were calibrated by using SPSS. Results of a case study show that the model can more accurately predict pedestrian crossing time, and the error is within 5%.
Key words:  traffic control  exclusive pedestrian phase  pedestrian  crossing time  model