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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHANG Liguo,LI Jianzheng,BAN Qiaoying,XU Yiping.Impact of pH on performance and syntrophic community of hydrogen-producing acetogens and methanogens in an UASB[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2013,45(8):44.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2013.08.007
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张立国, 李建政, 班巧英, 许一平
(哈尔滨工业大学 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室, 150090 哈尔滨)
研究产甲烷互营菌群对pH变化的响应,对于寻求提高有机废水厌氧生物处理效能的策略具有重要意义.以处理制糖废水的升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)反应器的运行为基础,考察不同pH对反应器运行效能及产甲烷互营菌群的影响.结果表明,在进水COD 20 000 mg·L-1、HRT 8 h的条件下,当进水pH分阶段由6.9降至5.4时,UASB系统的pH随之从6.8~7.4下降至5.7~6.7,导致COD去除率降低了23.3%,出水中残留丙酸提高了3.9倍.聚合酶链式反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)分析结果表明,产氢产乙酸菌群在UASB中的多样性显著低于产甲烷菌群,其分布和优势度受pH降低的影响显著.以Eub 19(Pelotomaculum)为代表的食丙酸产氢产乙酸菌在偏酸环境中的优势度明显减弱,而食乙酸产甲烷菌及部分食氢产甲烷菌对pH下降响应并不显著,且随着pH下降,耐酸的食氢产甲烷菌Methanobacterium ferruginis和Uncultured Methanobrevibacter的优势度逐渐增强.由此可见,与产甲烷菌群相比,UASB系统中的产氢产乙酸菌群对pH的变化更加敏感.
关键词:  升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)  pH  运行效能  产氢产乙酸菌  产甲烷菌
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51178136) ; 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室自主课题(2010DX06).
Impact of pH on performance and syntrophic community of hydrogen-producing acetogens and methanogens in an UASB
ZHANG Liguo, LI Jianzheng, BAN Qiaoying, XU Yiping
(State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150090 Harbin, China)
An mesophilic upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor treating sugar refinery wastewater with an influent COD 20 000 mg·L-1 and HRT 8 h was introduced, and the impact of pH on its performance and hydrogen-producing acetogens and methanogens were investigated. The results showed that the pH in the UASB dropped from 6.8-7.4 to 5.7-6.7 when the influent pH decreased from 6.9 to 5.4, resulting in a reduction in COD removal by 23.3% and a propionate increase in effluent by 3.9 times. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of sampled sludge indicated that the diversity of hydrogen-producing acetogens in the UASB was remarkably lower than that of the methanogens. The distribution and dominance of hydrogen-producing acetogens had been observably influenced by the dropped pH. The dominance of propionate-oxidizing bacteria (Pelotomaculum), represented by band Eub 19, were significantly reduced in approach acid condition, while acetotrophic methanogens and the dominant hydrogenotrophic methanogens stood steadily. Furthermore, the dominance of some acid-tolerant hydrogenotrophic methanogens such as Methanobacterium ferruginis and uncultured Methanobrevibacter were enhanced observably following the drop in pH. These results suggested that hydrogen-producing acetogens seemed to be more susceptible to pH than methanogens.
Key words:  upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)  pH  performance  hydrogen-producing acetogens  methanogens