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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

GAO Dawen,XIN Xiaodong.Analysis of microbial community structure and metabolites during the MBR membrane fouling process[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2014,46(2):26.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2014.02.006
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高大文, 辛晓东
(哈尔滨工业大学 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室, 150090 哈尔滨)
针对MBR运行中膜污染问题,利用T-RFLP手段分析不同运行控制下两套相同的A/O-MBR装置(R1、R2)膜污染过程中微生物群落结构变化规律,检测不同过膜压力pTM下Cake层、混合液微生物代谢产物浓度.结果表明:R1反应器(温度为30 ℃,SRT为60 d、膜通量(Flux,FM)为9.09 L/(m2·h),DO为4 mg/L)膜污染周期为30 d,Cake层优势种群依次为Oribacterium、Cytophaga sp.、Anaeromyxobacter、Paracoccus、bp180和Comamonadaceae,膜丝表面优势种群依次为Saprospiraceae、Nitrospira、Thiothrix sp.和bp92;R2反应器(温度为20 ℃,SRT为30 d,FM为13.42 L/(m2·h),DO为2 mg/L)膜污染周期为11 d,Cake层优势种群依次为Anaeromyxobacter、Oribacterium、Saprospiraceae和Myxobacterium,膜丝表面优势种群依次为Thiothrix Eikelboomii、γ-Proteobacterium、Nitrospira、Thiothrix sp.和bp52.控制策略的差异对微生物群落演替具有显著影响.Cake层和膜丝表面微生物多样性增大可能导致膜污染加重.微生物代谢产物(EPS、SMP)浓度升高会导致膜污染进程加剧,Cake层中EPS对膜污染具有主要贡献作用.
关键词:  缺氧-好氧膜生物反应器  膜污染  微生物群落结构  胞外聚合物  溶解性微生物代谢产物
Analysis of microbial community structure and metabolites during the MBR membrane fouling process
GAO Dawen, XIN Xiaodong
(State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150090 Harbin, China)
Aiming at the membrane fouling problem produced during MBR working process, different controlling operations were used on two sets of parallel A/O-MBR systems (R1 and R2). The changing situation of the microbial community structure during the membrane pollution process was analyzed by T-RFLP method, and the microbial metabolites were quantified. The results show that under the different operational conditions, the dominant microbial species of Cake layer in R1 system (controlling method: temperature is 30 ℃; SRT is 60 days; Flux is 9.09 L/(m2·h); DO is 4 mg/L) is Oribacterium, Cytophaga sp., Anaeromyxobacter, Paracoccus, bp180 and Comamonadaceae, respectively. The membrane fouling cycle of R1 reactor is 30 days. The dominant microbial species of Cake layer in R2 system (controlling method: temperature is 20 ℃; SRT is 30 days; Flux is 13.42 L/(m2·h); DO is 2 mg/L) is Anaeromyxobacter, Oribacterium, Saprospiraceae and Myxobacterium, respectively. The dominant microbial species of membrane wire in R1 is Saprospiraceae, Nitrospira, Thiothrix sp. and bp92, respectively. The dominant microbial species of membrane wire in R2 is Thiothrix Eikelboomii, γ-Proteobacterium, Nitrospira, Thiothrix sp. and bp52, respectively. The membrane fouling cycle of R2 reactor is 11 days. The different running methods on A/O-MBR systems have a significant influence on the succession of microbial community. The ascending of microbial diversity Shannon index H of Cake layer and membrane wire may accelerate the membrane fouling process. The obvious increasing trend of microbial metabolites(EPS,SMP) content results in the membrane pollution getting worse. EPS of the Cake layer has a dominant contributive effect on the process of membrane fouling.
Key words:  A/O-MBR  membrane fouling  microbial community structure  EPS  SMP