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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHENG Ping,BAI Jingang,SONG Zhiyi,LIU Yong.Development of the compound-structure electrical machine and its key technologies for hybrid electric vehicles[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(3):1.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.03.001
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郑萍, 白金刚, 宋志翌, 刘勇
(哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程及自动化学院,150001哈尔滨)
关键词:  混合动力汽车  复合结构永磁同步电机  四象限能量转换器  电气变速器  双机械端口电机  定子永磁式双转子电机  无刷复合结构电机
分类号:TH133; TP183
基金项目:国家杰出青年基金(51325701); 国家自然科学基金(51377030).
Development of the compound-structure electrical machine and its key technologies for hybrid electric vehicles
ZHENG Ping, BAI Jingang, SONG Zhiyi, LIU Yong
(School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, China)
To gain a deep insight into the development tendency and the key technology of compound-structure electrical machine for hybrid electric vehicles, this paper reviews the compound-structure electrical machine and its key technologies. The composition, operating principle and topologies of different compound-structure electrical machines are analyzed, including the brush and brushless ones. Meanwhile, the advantages and key technology problems of different compound-structure machines are investigated and summarized. The results show that the purely-electrical hybrid schemes based on the compound-structure electrical machine don't have the problems of vibration, noise, wear and regular maintenance, but they also have advantages of simple and compact structure and easy control, compared with the mechanical hybrid schemes based on the planetary gear. Meanwhile, they also show that the investigation of the brushless compound-structure electrical machine must be a development tendency in this field for the brushless compound-structure electrical machines can get rid of brushes and slip rings in the brush ones as well as improve the system stability.
Key words:  hybrid electric vehicles  compound-structure permanent-magnet synchronous machine  four quadrant transducer  electrical variable transmission  dual mechanical port machine  stator-permanent-magnet double-rotor machine  brushless compound-structure electrical machine