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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

CHEN Jushi,JIANG Zhongan,WANG Hongsheng.Experiments on properties of foaming generator during down-the-hole drilling in open-pit mine[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(4):166.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.04.028
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为解决露天矿潜孔钻机作业粉尘污染严重的问题,从传统除尘技术应用效果差、耗风量大、取水困难等事实出发,根据泡沫除尘机理及两相泡沫发泡原理,设计了一种适用于露天矿潜孔钻机的泡沫发生器,并对其发泡性能进行研究.通过开展泡沫发生器的泡沫流量、发泡倍数及半衰期等性能实验,确定出影响泡沫发生器发泡性能的主要因素,得出泡沫发生器的最佳工况点.实验结果表明:气体流量、液体流量(气液比)、发泡网及发泡剂质量分数是影响泡沫发生器发泡性能的4个主要因素,在工况为发泡网1、质量分数1.5%的配方2、气体压力0.7 MPa、液体流量18 L/min及气体流量30 m3/h条件下,泡沫发生器发泡性能达到最佳,其流量为515 L/min,发泡倍数为22,半衰期为65 min.经现场试验,泡沫除尘后采场平均降尘率高达90%以上,应用效果良好.
关键词:  潜孔钻机  泡沫发生器  泡沫流量  发泡倍数  半衰期
Experiments on properties of foaming generator during down-the-hole drilling in open-pit mine
CHEN Jushi, JIANG Zhongan, WANG Hongsheng
(Key Laboratory of High-Efficienty Mining and Safety of Metal Mines (University of Science and Technology Beijing), Ministry of Education, 100083 Beijing, China)
In order to solve the serious problem of dust pollution during down-the-hole drilling in open-pit mine, based on the mechanism of foam dust removal and two phase foaming principle, a foaming generator was designed and the experimental study was made on it. The facts of poor application effect of traditional dedusting technology and large gas consumption and difficult water intaking were considered. Through the experiments of the foam flow, foaming times and half-life of the foaming generator, the major factors affecting foaming properties and the optimum operating point of the foam generator can be determined. The experimental results show that:gas flow, liquid flow (gas-liquid ratio), foam net and concentration of foaming agent are main factors affecting the foaming properties of the foam generator. When the working conditions for the foam generator were foam net 1, the concentration 1.5% of formula 2, gas pressure 0.7 MPa, liquid flow rate 18 L/min, gas flow of 30 m3/h, the foam generator reached the optimum state with the foam flow euqal to 515 L/min, the foaming times equal to 22, and the half-life equal to 65 min. Through the test, the average dust removal rate was higher than 90% using foam dedusting in the stope.
Key words:  down-the-hole drilling  foaming generator  foam flow  foam times  half-life