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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHANG Huaizhi,REN Junda,JI Lun,WANG Lei.Mechanical response measurement and simulation of full scale asphalt pavement[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(9):41.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.09.008
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张怀志1, 任俊达1, 纪伦2, 王磊3
(1. 高速公路养护技术交通行业重点实验室(辽宁省交通科学研究院), 沈阳 110015; 2.哈尔滨工业大学 交通科学与工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090; 3.辽宁省交通厅公路管理局, 沈阳 110005)
为探究沥青路面在荷载作用下力学响应,通过基于辽宁省沥青路面足尺加速加载试验,开展路面结构力学仿真方法及力学响应特征研究. 采用光纤光栅传感器实测足尺加速加载路面的面层底部、基层底部和路基顶面的力学响应,利用单轴压缩动态模量试验获取沥青混合料的粘弹性参数,通过FWD弯沉盆反算得到基层及土基的弹性模量,利用接触痕迹得到轮胎的接触面分布;通过单轴压缩动态模量试验及四点弯曲动态模量试验对传感器进行了标定. 在此基础上,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立基于实测参数的路面结构力学仿真模型,分析路面结构在不同加载位置和速度下的力学响应,并与实测结果进行对比. 结果表明:所建立的路面力学仿真模型能较合理地模拟沥青层底三向应变、半刚性材料层底纵向、横向应变以及土基顶面的压应力. 沥青混合料粘弹特性导致弹性后效,使力学响应曲线表现出非对称特点. 随着温度的增加和加载速度的减小,沥青层底三向应变、半刚性基层底的水平应变以及土基顶面压应力的响应幅值增加.
关键词:  铺面工程  加速加载试验  三维粘弹有限元  路面力学响应  仿真模型
Mechanical response measurement and simulation of full scale asphalt pavement
ZHANG Huaizhi1,REN Junda1,JI Lun2,WANG Lei3
(1. Key Laboratory of Expressway Maintenance Technology Ministry of Communications, PRC(Transportation Research Institute of Liaoning Province), Shenyang 110015, China; 2. School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; 3.Liaoning Provincial Department of Transportation Highway Administration, Shenyang 110005, China)
In order to explore the mechanical response of asphalt pavement under the vehicle load, researches on the mechanical simulation method and the characteristics of internal mechanical response of asphalt pavement were conducted based on the full-scale accelerated test of asphalt pavement in Liaoning, China. Fiber bragg grating sensors were utilized to measure the mechanical response of the surface course bottom, the base course bottom and the top surface of the subgrade respectively. Viscoelastic parameters of asphalt mixtures were obtained through uniaxial compression dynamic modulus testing. Elasticity moduli of the base and subgrade were back-calculated through the FWD deflection basin. The distribution of the contact surface between the tires and the pavement surface was also measured. The sensors were calibrated through uniaxial compression dynamic modulus and four-point bending dynamic modulus testing. Based on the measured input data, a mechanical simulation model of the pavement structure was developed with the finite element software, ABAQUS, in order to analyze the mechanical response of pavement structure under different loading positions and speeds, then a subsequent comparison was made between the measured and calculated mechanical response data. The results indicate that the developed model can reasonably simulate the three-dimensional responses of the asphalt layer, the longitudinal and lateral response of the bottom of semi-rigid base, as well as the compressive stress on the subgrade surface. The viscoelastic property of the asphalt mixture induces the elastic aftereffect which leads to the asymmetry of the mechanical response curve. Amplitudes of the asphalt layer three-dimensional responses, horizontal responses of the bottom layer of the semi-rigid base and compressive stresses of the subgrade surface are all raised with the increase of temperature and the decrease of loading speed.
Key words:  pavement engineering  accelerated pavement testing  viscoelastic three-dimensional finite element  pavement mechanical response  simulation model