引用本文: | 张恒,李和言,昌和,于亮,李明阳,刘继凯,蒋守林.湿式多片离合器摩擦转矩衰减特性分析[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2018,50(7):94.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201709141 |
| ZHANG Heng,LI Heyan,CHANG He,YU Liang,LI Mingyang,LIU Jikai,JIANG Shoulin.Experimental study on attenuation characteristics of friction torque transferred by the wet multi-disc clutch[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(7):94.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201709141 |
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湿式多片离合器摩擦转矩衰减特性分析 |
(1. 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院,北京100081;2. 北京电动车辆协同创新中心,北京100081; 3. 杭州前进齿轮箱集团股份有限公司, 杭州 311203)
摘要: |
为研究湿式多片离合器滑摩过程中摩擦转矩衰减现象,在SAE#2试验台制动工况下进行了不同摩擦副数离合器的摩擦转矩试验.针对于湿式多片离合器的摩擦转矩衰减现象,提出湿式多片离合器摩擦转矩衰减系数,以表征多摩擦副离合器实测摩擦转矩相对于计算摩擦转矩的减小程度.根据两副和六副摩擦转矩试验拟合得到受相对转速和平均面压影响的两副-六副摩擦转矩衰减系数,并分析相对转速和平均面压对摩擦转矩衰减值和摩擦转矩衰减系数的影响.研究表明:摩擦转矩衰减系数受摩擦转矩衰减值和计算摩擦转矩的共同影响,在润滑流量充足的条件下,摩擦转矩衰减值随着相对转速的增大逐渐减小,随着平均面压的增大而增大;而摩擦因数随相对转速和平均面压的变化规律较为复杂, 但总体上湿式多片离合器摩擦转矩衰减系数呈现随相对转速的增大逐渐减小,随平均面压的增大先增大后减小的趋势.
关键词: 湿式多片离合器 SAE#2试验台 摩擦因数 摩擦转矩 衰减系数 相对转速 平均面压 |
DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201709141 |
分类号:U463.211 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(2,5);工信部基础产品创新科研项目(VTDP-3203) |
Experimental study on attenuation characteristics of friction torque transferred by the wet multi-disc clutch |
ZHANG Heng1,LI Heyan1,2,CHANG He1,YU Liang1,LI Mingyang1,LIU Jikai1,JIANG Shoulin3
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles in Beijing, Beijing 100081, China; 3. Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., LTD., Hangzhou 311203, China)
Abstract: |
Sliding friction experiments of wet multi-disc clutch with different frictional pairs under braking condition in the SAE#2 test bench are designed to investigate the friction torque attenuation phenomenon. The attenuation coefficient of friction torque of wet multi-disc clutch is proposed to describe the decrease degree of the tested friction torque. According to the test data of friction torque transferred by two and six frictional pairs respectively, the calculation formula of attenuation coefficient for two-six frictional pairs is fitted and the influences of relative rotational speed and average pressure on attenuation coefficient are analyzed. The results show that the attenuation coefficient is influenced by attenuation value of friction torque and calculated friction torque. Under the full oil film condition, the attenuation value of friction torque decreases with the rise of the relative rotational speed and increases while the average surface pressure increases. In general, the attenuation coefficient declines with the rise of the relative rotational speed, and when the average surface pressure increases, the coefficient increases first and then decreases.
Key words: wet multi-disc clutch SAE#2 test bench friction coefficient friction torque attenuation coefficient relative rotational speed average surface pressure |