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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

JIN Xin,TAN Yufei,YU Kecheng.Test and analysis of the thermal performance of combined elevated kang and radiator heating system in northern rural areas[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2019,51(4):179.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201801002
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(哈尔滨工业大学 建筑学院,哈尔滨 150090)
为解决传统落地炕炕面温度不均、热效率低、排烟热损失大、烧炕时室内污染物体积分数超标等问题,提出一种新型吊炕与土暖气联合运行的供暖系统. 为定量分析该系统的热工性能,在吉林省榆树县的一栋新建农宅两相同南向房间内,分别搭建了传统落地炕和该新型供暖系统,并对两系统炕面温度、排烟温度、室内温度及室内污染物体积分数进行测试:在相同燃料消耗量下,新型吊炕的炕面温度分布更为均匀,其炕面温度标准差比传统落地炕低4.8 ℃,且炕头温度比传统落地炕炕头温度低9.4 ℃. 通过反平衡法计算得出新型供暖系统效率比传统落地炕效率高21.26%,同时采用新系统的房间室内温度提高了5.7 ℃,室内CO体积分数也降低至标准范围以内.在两供暖系统取得相同室内升温效果时,每铺新型供暖系统每年可节省秸秆1 972.2 kg,CO2减排2 603.3 kg,SO2减排1.0 kg. 测试与分析结果表明: 吊炕与土暖气联合供暖系统不仅解决了传统落地炕炕面温度分布不均、热效率低等问题,而且使室内热环境得到很大改善,具有显著的节能减排效益; 新型供暖系统的推广应用,可降低北方农宅的采暖能耗,有效改善农宅内的人居环境.
关键词:  吊炕与土暖气联合供暖系统  北方农宅  传统落地炕  强化传热  热工测试与分析
Test and analysis of the thermal performance of combined elevated kang and radiator heating system in northern rural areas
JIN Xin,TAN Yufei,YU Kecheng
(School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China)
To solve the problems of traditional grounded kang, such as uneven temperature of kang-surface, low thermal efficiency, large exhaust heat loss, excessive indoor pollutant concentration, etc. this research puts forward a new combination of elevated kang and radiator heating system. A traditional grounded kang and the new heating system were built respectively in two same southern rooms of a new farm house in Yushu County, Jilin Province, to test the temperature of kang-surface, exhaust temperature, indoor temperature, and indoor pollutant concentration for the quantitative analysis of thermal performance of this new system. Under the same fuel consumption, the temperature standard deviation of the kang surface of the novel kang was 4.8 ℃ lower than that of the traditional ones while the temperature at the head-side was 9.4 ℃ lower. The efficiency of the heating system was 21.26% higher than that of the traditional grounded kang based on counter-balance calculation, and the indoor average temperature increased by 5.7 ℃. In addition, the CO concentration indoors decreased to the standard range. When getting the same indoor temperature, the new heating system can save 1 972.2 kg straw, which can reduce 2 603.3 kg emission of CO2 and 1.0 kg emission of SO2 per year. The test results show that the new system can not only solve the problems of traditional grounded kang but also improve the indoor environment significantly and has significant effect on energy saving and emission reduction. Thus, the popularization and application of this new combined operation system can reduce the heating energy consumption considerably and improve the living environment of residences in northern rural areas.
Key words:  combined elevated kang and radiator heating system  rural residences in northern China  traditional grounded kang  heat transfer enhancement  thermal test and analysis