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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LI Hao,ZHANG Hongru,YU Zhongyang.Dynamic response analysis of wheel-track and train early warning threshold under earthquake[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2019,51(8):183.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201904146
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(北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京 100044)
为研究地震作用下高速铁路运行安全和脱轨机理,利用6 m×6 m大型振动台,对车辆-轨道模型进行全尺寸振动台模型试验.根据振动台模型试验,建立与之相似的多自由度、多刚体车辆-轨道数值模型,将振动台模型试验结果与车辆-轨道数值模型的计算结果进行对比,发现对比结果基本接近,表明车辆-轨道数值模型具有一定的正确性.然后,根据脱轨系数等指标在列车正常运行状态和地震作用状态之间的安全储备,提出确定高速铁路地震预警阈值的新思路,基于上述车辆-轨道数值模型,通过输入6条典型的水平向地震波对车辆-轨道数值模型分别进行地震时程分析,将计算结果中的脱轨系数和轮重减载率与地震波加速度峰值之间的关系进行统计分析,最后给出不同脱轨系数限值和不同轮重减载率限值相对应的高速铁路地震预警阈值评价表,并建议中国高速铁路地震预警阈值设为40 gal.
关键词:  地震激励  车辆-轨道模型  振动台试验  脱轨系数  轮重减载率
Dynamic response analysis of wheel-track and train early warning threshold under earthquake
LI Hao,ZHANG Hongru,YU Zhongyang
(School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
In order to study the running safety and derailment mechanism of high-speed railway under earthquake, a full-size vehicle-track model shaking table test was carried out by using a 6 m×6 m large-scale shaking table. Based on the shaking table test, a similar multi-freedom and multi-rigid-body vehicle-track numerical model was established, and the test results were compared with the calculation results. The two results were basically consistent, indicating the validity of the numerical calculation model. Then, according to the safety reserve of derailment coefficient and other indicators between the normal running state and the earthquake state of the train, a new idea for determining the earthquake early warning threshold of high-speed railway was proposed. On the basis of the vehicle-track numerical model, time-lapse analysis was carried out by inputting 6 different horizontal seismic waves. The relationship between the derailment coefficient, the wheel load reduction rate, and the peak acceleration of seismic wave was analyzed. Finally, the warning thresholds corresponding to different derailment coefficient limits and different wheel load reduction rate limits were given, and it was suggested that the earthquake warning threshold of China’s high-speed railway should be set to 40 gal.
Key words:  seismic excitation  vehicle-track model  shaking table test  derailment coefficient  wheel load reduction rate