引用本文: | 黄利华,赵晓华,李洋,荣建.城市快速路小间距路段出口预告标志优化设置[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2020,52(3):121.DOI:10.11918/201810190 |
| HUANG Lihua,ZHAO Xiaohua,LI Yang,RONG Jian.Optimal settings of advance guide signs of small spacing segment exits on urban expressway[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(3):121.DOI:10.11918/201810190 |
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城市快速路小间距路段出口预告标志优化设置 |
(1.北京工业大学 城市交通学院,北京 100124;2.北京市交通工程重点实验室(北京工业大学),北京 100124; 3.北京城市系统工程研究中心,北京 100035;4.北京警察学院,北京 102202)
摘要: |
为解决城市快速路小间距路段出口预告标志缺失等问题,针对小间距路段出口设置了5种预告标志方案,开展驾驶模拟试验,提取了9种指标进行重复测量方差分析,最终获取了6种显著影响指标. 采用基于熵权法的TOPSIS方法,评估5种方案的设置效用. 结果表明:在快速路小间距路段出口减速车道起点前1.0、0.5 km及起点处设置3次预告标志时,综合设置效果最好;其次为按照中国规范(GB 5768.2—2009)设置4次预告,及按照日本规范设置4次预告. 采用K-means聚类及LSD对比分析,发现1次预告方案指路效果明显较差. 最终建议小间距路段出口前设置3次预告标志,条件受限时应至少进行2次预告. |
关键词: 城市快速路 小间距路段出口 预告标志 驾驶模拟 TOPSIS方法 |
DOI:10.11918/201810190 |
分类号:U491.5+21 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:北京市交通行业科技项目(2016-kjc-01-002); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61672067) |
Optimal settings of advance guide signs of small spacing segment exits on urban expressway |
HUANG Lihua1,2,3,ZHAO Xiaohua1,2,LI Yang1,4,RONG Jian1,2
(1. College of Metropolitan Transportation, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering (Beijing University of Technology), Beijing 100124, China; 3. Beijing Research Center of Urban System Engineering, Beijing 100035, China; 4. Beijing Police College, Beijing 102202, China)
Abstract: |
To solve the problems such as lack of advance guide signs of small spacing segment exits on urban expressway, this study proposed five kinds of advance sign setting schemes and conducted a driving simulation experiment. Nine types of evaluation indicators were extracted and analyzed by repeated ANOVA, and six indicators were selected which were significantly affected by different schemes. TOPSIS method combined with entropy weight coefficient was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the five schemes. Results showed that it had the best effect on the driving behavior when setting advance guide signs at 1 km, 0.5 km, and 0 km before the starting point of the deceleration lane. It was followed by the scheme with four advance guide signs according to China standard (GB 5768.2—2009), and the scheme with four advance guide signs according to Japan related standards. K-means cluster and LSD comparison analysis revealed that the effectiveness of setting one advance guide sign was poor. Since the scheme of three advance guide signs had the best effectiveness, it is recommended to be adopted. When road conditions are limited, at least two advance guide signs should be set. |
Key words: urban expressway small spacing segment exits advance guide signs driving simulation TOPSIS |