引用本文: | 叶华文,何建希,潘威洲,周渝,邓雪峰.钢-混组合桥面混凝土层横向受力的弹性地基梁比拟模型[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2025,57(3):90.DOI:10.11918/202307034 |
| YE Huawen,HE Jianxi,PAN Weizhou,ZHOU Yu,DENG Xuefeng.Analogous mechanical model of elastic foundation beam for concrete overlay on orthotropic steel-concrete composite bridge deck[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(3):90.DOI:10.11918/202307034 |
摘要: |
钢-混组合桥面板的混凝土铺装层设计参数多由工程经验确定,针对因缺乏明确的受力机制分析而容易导致其结构开裂或不经济的问题,根据正交异性钢-混组合桥面板构造特点,将混凝土铺装层横桥向受力比拟为弹性地基上的无限长梁,建立了轮载下混凝土层横桥向效应的理论分析模型,推导了混凝土层横桥向弹性变形、受力和有效作用范围的解析式。以实际正交异性钢-混组合桥面构造为原型,设计和实施了足尺模型静载试验,还进行了空间有限元仿真分析,结果证明了弹性地基梁比拟模型的合理性。因横隔板和刚性混凝土层约束,偏载下U肋扭转变形可忽略不计;轮载横桥向有效作用范围不超过5个U肋中心距。基于有限元的参数分析表明:栓钉布置和横隔板对混凝土层横桥向受力影响很显著。在所提的混凝土铺装层设计参数取值范围内,提出的横桥向受力计算公式适用于正交异性钢混组合桥面设计。 |
关键词: 钢-混组合桥面 轮载作用 弹性地基梁 混凝土铺装层 横向受力 |
DOI:10.11918/202307034 |
分类号:TU398 |
文献标识码:A |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52278219) |
Analogous mechanical model of elastic foundation beam for concrete overlay on orthotropic steel-concrete composite bridge deck |
YE Huawen1,HE Jianxi1,PAN Weizhou1,ZHOU Yu1,DENG Xuefeng2
(1.School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 2.Chengdu Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Company Ltd., Chengdu 610023, China)
Abstract: |
The design parameters are primarily determined empirically for the concrete overlay of steel-concrete composite bridge decks, as the lack of a clear stress analysis mechanism can lead to structural cracking or inefficiency. The transverse performance of the concrete overlay was simulated as a infinitely long beam on an elastic foundation based on the characteristics of orthotropic composite bridge deck. A theoretical analysis model was first established for the transverse behavior of the concrete overlay under wheel load, and the formulas were derived for the deformation, load, and effective range of the wheel load. A full-scale model static load test was then designed and conducted according to the practical orthotropic composite bridge deck. A corresponding spatial finite element model was also established, and the theoretical, experimental, and finite element results were compared to validate the accuracy of the proposed mechanical model. Due to the constraints imposed by the diaphragm and the rigid concrete layer, the torsional deformation of the U-rib under eccentric loading can be neglected. The effective range of the wheel load is limited to the span of 5 U-ribs. Parameter analysis indicated that both the arrangement of studs and transverse diaphragms have a significant influence on the transverse deflection of the concrete overlay. Within the range of commonly used design parameters, the proposed calculation formula is applicable to the design of steel-concrete composite bridge decks. |
Key words: steel-concrete bridge deck wheel load elastic foundation beam concrete overlay transversal performance |