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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHAO Yu,KATO Shinsuke,ZHAO Jianing.Characteristic of particle coagulation under constrained dispersion conditions in underground parking lot[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(3):184.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.03.031
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赵宇1, 加藤信介2, 赵加宁1
(1.哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院,150090 哈尔滨;2.东京大学 生产技术研究所,153-8505 日本 东京)
为研究车辆排放颗粒在地下车库内凝并率的分布规律及其对颗粒受限扩散的影响程度.根据颗粒物扩散和凝并理论,采用Realizable k-ε模型模拟空气流场分布特性,并结合数值模拟中的场函数方法将颗粒凝并和扩散过程相结合,分析地下车库不同数量车辆在受限扩散条件下颗粒半衰时间的变化和粒径变化.结果表明:在排气管附近,颗粒半衰时间最短,凝并作用最强.在沿高度方向2 m以下的区域内,当启动车辆数不多于2台时,颗粒半衰时间随高度线性下降,当启动车辆数不少于4台时,半衰时间随高度呈对数下降.凝并作用对中间段和大粒径段粒子数浓度的变化影响更大,颗粒呈现出由小变大的粒径变化趋势.启动车辆数越多,凝并导致的粒径分布不均匀性越明显.
关键词:  地下车库  受限扩散  粒子数浓度  颗粒凝并  自然通风
Characteristic of particle coagulation under constrained dispersion conditions in underground parking lot
ZHAO Yu1, KATO Shinsuke2, ZHAO Jianing1
(1.School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150090 Harbin, China; 2.Institute of Industrial Science,University of Tokyo, 153-8505 Tokyo,Japan)
In order to analyze the characteristic of particle coagulation from vehicle exhaust under constrained dispersion conditions and the effect of coagulation on dispersion in an underground parking lot, the study numerically simulated the particle concentration fields under steady-state constrained dispersion conditions using Realizable k-ε model and field functions based on the theories of particle dispersion and coagulation, and then analyzed the characteristics of particle decrease half-time due to coagulation and variation of particle size distribution. The simulation results demonstrated that particle decrease half-time was shortest near the tailpipe exhaust. In the area lower than 2 m in vertical direction in an underground parking lot, when idling cars were not more than 2, half-time decreased linearly with the increase of distance above the ground; when idling cars were not less than 4, half-time decreased logarithmically with the increase of distance above the ground. The effect of coagulation on variation of particle number concentration in the middle and large size categories was more obvious than that in the small size categories. Particle size changed from small to large due to particle coagulation. The uneven distribution of particle size was more obvious as the number of idling cars increased.
Key words:  underground parking lot  constrained dispersion  particle number concentration  particle coagulation  natural ventilation