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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

KOU Weibin,CHEN Xumei.Transit network design based on the city layout and its development[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2016,48(9):1.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.09.001
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寇伟彬, 陈旭梅
(北京交通大学 交通运输学院,北京 100044)
为拓展公交线网设计领域的研究思路与方法,对面向城市布局形态的公交线网设计理论体系进行综述. 该理论体系将城市的布局形态作为公交线网设计过程中最关键的影响因素,并设计符合其形态特征的公交线网方案,是目前公交线网设计研究重要的发展方向之一. 首先,回顾了近50年来经典公交线网设计研究的基本理论,然后重点对面向城市布局形态的线网设计理论体系进行分析,包括对其核心内容与发展历程的概述,以及对理论体系中线网结构、出行需求和灵活布线等三方面的研究发展进行总结归纳,最后对该理论体系的未来发展进行展望. 研究表明:该理论体系中设计方案依托于城市布局形态,并将公交出行需求处理为近似的连续分布,模型的决策变量较为简化,因此最优化结果通常可通过解析式算法获得. 通过实际的案例分析,该理论体系对高性能的公交网络设计,例如BRT系统以及公交快线网有着较好的适用性,并能够有效地指导大范围内的战略性公交线网设计. 最后指出,该理论体系的研究与很多大城市布局形态的调整相契合,未来的研究方向也应是针对更多的城市布局形态、线网结构以及公交出行需求等,提出更科学的设计方法并进行更广泛的实例运用.
关键词:  城市交通  公交线网设计  布局形态  线网结构  出行需求
Transit network design based on the city layout and its development
KOU Weibin, CHEN Xumei
(School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
This paper is intended to review the studies of transit network design based on the city layout. In the theory system, the city layout is considered as the most important factor. The transit network design based on the city layout is one of the major development directions for transit network design. Firstly, the conventional design methods over the past 50 years are reviewed. Then, the design methods based on the city layout are analyzed. The core theory and its development are summarized. Three key developed studies are analyzed, including network structure, travel demand and flexible transit. Finally, the future developments are overviewed. The results indicate that the design methods mainly focus on the city layout, the travel demand is regarded as continuous approximation, the decision variables are simplified, and the optimization result can be obtained by the analytical model. The field application results present that the design methods are suitable for high performance bus network, such as BRT and express bus system. Thus, these studies can help the strategical transit network design under the background of the change of the city layout. The future studies can concentrate more on the city layout, transit network’s structures, and travel demand. In addition, more scientific design methods and practical applications should be conducted.
Key words:  urban transportation  transit network design  layout  network structure  travel demand