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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

XUE Wenjia,ZHAO Yiqiang,YE Mao,HU Kai,LI Jie,ZHOU Guoqing.Correction and hardware verification of echo centroid algorithm for airborne LADAR[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(5):116.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201704098
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(1.天津大学,微电子学院,天津300072;2. 天津市成像与感知微电子技术重点实验室(天津大学),天津300072)
针对推扫式机载激光雷达系统实时探测、回波信号微弱等特点,基于常见高斯回波波形,研究高效、精确、易于硬件设计的回波时刻提取算法,实现高精度距离探测.本文通过分析传统波形形心算法的精度及存在的问题,为降低硬件实现时数据精度受损、噪声干扰等对算法的影响,提出一种基于中位数法修正的形心算法,可有效减弱算法硬件实现时的形心分层现象,并利用MATLAB建立数学模型进行仿真实验.结果表明,与传统形心算法以及高斯拟合算法相比,此算法具有较好的稳健性,在信噪比为5 dB时,测时精度可达到0.5 ns,与传统形心算法相比,精度提高了45%,信噪比较高时精度高于高斯拟合算法,可实现0.01 ns理论精度.该修正算法简洁高效,在不增加系统复杂度的前提下,可对形心计算结果做出实时判断与修正.由于算法运算简单,适于向FPGA平台进行移植.该算法已用于推扫式激光雷达系统的信息处理电路,通过基于FPGA的板级测试,验证了理论分析的正确性,可实现±7.5 cm的测距精度,且满足实际应用中对实时性的要求.
关键词:  机载激光雷达  时刻提取  波形形心算法  中位数法  FPGA
Correction and hardware verification of echo centroid algorithm for airborne LADAR
XUE Wenjia1,2,ZHAO Yiqiang1,2,YE Mao1,2,HU Kai1,2,LI Jie1,2,ZHOU Guoqing1
(1. School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Imaging and Sensing Microelectronic Technology (Tianjin University), Tianjin 300072, China)
Aiming at the real-time detection and weak echo signal characteristics of push-broom airborne laser detection and ranging (LADAR) system, one algorithm for echo time abstracting is researched based on Gauss normal echo signal. The algorithm is fast, precise and easy to design in hardware, which achieves high precision distance detection as a result. The existing problems and accuracy of the traditional waveform centroid algorithm are analyzed. In order to reduce the influence of the data precision and noise interference on the hardware, a corrected approach based on the median method is proposed, which can effectively weaken the layered phenomenon in hardware implementation of algorithm. A mathematical model is established by MATLAB and the simulation experiment is carried out. The simulation results show that the corrected centroid algorithm has better robustness compared with the traditional centroid algorithm and Gaussian fitting algorithm. The accuracy can reach 0.5 ns, which is 45% higher than that of the traditional centroid when the SNR is 5 dB. The proposed algorithm can achieve higher accuracy than Gaussian's with the SNR becoming greater, which reaches 0.01 ns theoretically. The corrected algorithm is simple and efficient. In addition, real-time judgments and correction on the results of the centroid are made without increasing the complexity of the system. Owing to the simplicity of the algorithm, it is suitable for transplanting to FPGA platform. The algorithm has been utilized for push-broom airborne LADAR system information processing circuit. The results of experiment verify the validity of the theoretical analyses and show that the algorithm can achieve the ranging accuracy of ±7.5 cm, which meets the real-time requirements in practical application.
Key words:  airborne laser detection and ranging (LADAR)  timing abstracting  waveform centroid algorithm  median method  Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)