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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

YANG Da,ZHOU Xiaoxia,WEN Cheng,Lü Meng,LIU Sijing.Modeling and simulation of motor vehicle-electric bicycle traffic flow at signalized intersection[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,50(8):181.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201705120
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(西南交通大学 交通运输与物流学院, 成都 610031)
为研究城市信号交叉口电动自行车在行驶过程中侵入机动车道时对机动车交通流产生的影响,建立一个适用于机动车-电动车的异质交通流模型来描述电动车侵入机动车道的场景.新建模型在原始社会力模型的基础上,引入了间隙力、跟驰力和排斥力,更加精确地描述异质交通流的特征,利用真实数据对模型进行标定和验证.在搭建真实案例仿真平台后,分析电动车的排队数量及到达率对机动车的流量及通行速度的影响.模型标定结果显示:车流量、平均速度的eMAEeMAREU值均小于12%,证明新建模型能较大程度还原真实交通流特征.仿真发现当电动车排队数量大于20辆时,需要采取合适的交通组织和控制方法来减少电动车和机动车的冲突.最后提出让电动车提前2~3 s的时间行驶或提前非机动车停车线等建议来提高交叉口机动车的通行能力.
关键词:  交通工程  建模分析  社会力模型  电动自行车  信号交叉口  仿真
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(9,9); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2682016CX046)
Modeling and simulation of motor vehicle-electric bicycle traffic flow at signalized intersection
YANG Da,ZHOU Xiaoxia,WEN Cheng,Lü Meng,LIU Sijing
(School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
To investigate the invasion effects of electric bicycles on motor vehicle traffic flow at an urban signalized intersection, a model was developed for the heterogeneous traffic flow of motor vehicles and electric bicycles. This model introduces the gap force, car-following force and repulsive forces into the original social force model to describe the characteristics of the heterogeneous traffic flow, and was calibrated and validated by using real data. Then, the influences of the the number of electric bicycles in queue and arrival rate of the electric bicycles on the flow rate and average speed of the motor vehicle traffic flow were analyzed. The calibration results showed that the eMAE, eMARE and U values for the flow rate and average speed calculated by the proposed model were less than 12%, which indicates that the proposed model can reflect the characteristics of the heterogeneous traffic flow with low errors. When the number of queuing electric bicycles is more than 20, appropriate traffic organization and control methods should be adopted to reduce the conflicts between electric bicycles and motor vehicles. Allowing electric bicycles to pass 2 or 3 seconds ahead of green signal or moving forward the stopping line for them may increase the capacity of the intersection for motor vehicles.
Key words:  traffic engineering  modeling analysis  social force model  electric bicycles  signalized intersection  simulation