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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

GUO Zhizhong,MO Caiyun,XIAO Zhihong,ZHANG Guoqing,YU Wenbin,WANG Guizhong.Jones matrix of inhomogeneous field induced medium[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2019,51(9):35.DOI:10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201804052
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(1.哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程与自动化学院,哈尔滨150001; 2.哈工大(张家口)工业技术研究院,河北 张家口075421)
为准确刻画感应不均匀介质的琼斯矩阵,对琼斯矩阵中的元素参量展开研究,采用级联微元琼斯矩阵的数学方法,并通过酉变换手段来推演琼斯矩阵的物理参量. 理论研究表明:截面感应角沿光程分布的不均匀是介质琼斯矩阵非对角元素复数化的原因;感应不均匀介质的琼斯矩阵可由介质相移差、介质感应角和介质不均匀角3个物理参量来完整刻画,且3个物理参量都是相应截面感应张量分量的积分,其中,介质不均匀角能够本质刻画介质的感应不均匀程度. 感应不均匀磁光介质的物理实验表明:感应不均匀介质琼斯矩阵的非对角元素是实部和虚部兼有的复数. 琼斯矩阵的物理参量仿真实验表明此理论推导具有一定的正确性. 感应不均匀介质琼斯矩阵解析式囊括各种光学效应,具有普遍性;统辖各种均匀、不均匀情况,具有一般性. 其中,均匀介质的琼斯矩阵是特例.
关键词:  光学效应  感应不均匀介质  琼斯矩阵  介质不均匀角  介质感应角  介质相移差
Jones matrix of inhomogeneous field induced medium
GUO Zhizhong1,2,MO Caiyun1,XIAO Zhihong1,ZHANG Guoqing1,2,YU Wenbin1,2,WANG Guizhong2
(1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; 2. Harbin Institute of Technology at Zhangjiakou, Zhangjiakou 075421, Hebei, China)
In order to accurately describe the Jones matrix of inhomogeneous field induced medium, elemental parameters in Jones matrix were studied. The physical parameters’ expression of Jones matrix based on the mathematical method of cascading micro-member Jones matrix was derived by means of unitary transformation. Theoretical research showed that the uneven distribution of the cross-section induction angle along the optical path was the reason for the multi-diagonal element of Jones matrix. The Jones matrix of the inhomogeneous field induced medium could be completely characterized by the physical parameters of medium phase delay, medium induction angle, and medium inhomogeneous angle. These physical parameters were the integrals of the corresponding section induced tensor components, among which the medium inhomogeneous angle could essentially characterize the sensing unevenness degree of the medium. The physical experiments of inhomogeneous magneto-optical mediums indicated that the off-diagonal elements of the Jones matrix on inhomogeneous field induced medium were complex numbers. The physical parameter simulation experiments of Jones matrix showed that the theoretical derivation of this paper had certain correctness. In general, the analytical expression of Jones matrix on inhomogeneous field induced medium is universal by considering not only all kinds of optical effects but also uniform and uneven conditions, where the Jones matrix on uniform medium is a special case.
Key words:  optical effect  inhomogeneous field induced medium  Jones matrix  medium inhomogeneous angle  medium induction angle  medium phase delay