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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

DU Zunling,ZHANG Yimin,WANG Yueyong.Reliability sensitivity analysis of hydraulic axial piston pump volumetric efficiency[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2020,52(7):179.DOI:10.11918/201911042
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(沈阳工业大学 机械工程学院, 沈阳 110870)
为提高液压轴向柱塞泵可靠性及其性能,研究轴向柱塞泵主要性能指标之一容积效率的可靠性分析方法. 对单个柱塞间隙瞬时泄漏流量进行全面分析,推导出缸体位于任一瞬时角处的柱塞泵泄漏流量和容积效率;结合随机摄动理论、四阶矩技术等建立了轴向柱塞泵容积效率可靠性及可靠性灵敏度分析方法,并用Monte Carlo方法验证了文中所提可靠度分析方法的准确性和合理性. 分析结果表明:液压轴向柱塞泵可靠度随缸体转角周期性波动,当柱塞通过上止点时其可靠度最低,柱塞个数为9时可靠度波动相对较大,但其整体可靠度水平高于8个柱塞;各运动副间隙中滑靴与斜盘和缸体与配流盘之间间隙对可靠度影响较大,柱塞与柱塞腔和滑靴与柱塞球铰接副之间间隙对可靠度影响相对较小. 本文所提方法为轴向柱塞泵在研发设计、工艺及质量控制等环节提供了理论参考.
关键词:  液压轴向柱塞泵  容积效率  间隙泄漏  可靠性灵敏度  四阶矩
Reliability sensitivity analysis of hydraulic axial piston pump volumetric efficiency
DU Zunling,ZHANG Yimin,WANG Yueyong
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China)
To improve the reliability and performance of hydraulic axial piston pump, the reliability design method of volumetric efficiency, one of the main performance indexes of axial piston pump, was investigated. The instantaneous leakage flow rate and volumetric efficiency of the axial piston pump with the cylinder body at any instantaneous angle are deduced by comprehensively analyzing the instantaneous leakage of a single piston. The reliability and reliability sensitivity analysis method of the axial piston pump are established by using the random perturbation theory and the fourth-order moment technology, and the accuracy and rationality of the proposed method are verified by Monte Carlo method. The results show that the reliability of the hydraulic axial piston pump fluctuates periodically with the angle of the cylinder block, the reliability is the lowest when the piston passes through the top dead center, although the reliability fluctuates relatively greatly when the number of pistons is 9, but its overall reliability level is higher than that of the 8 pistons. The clearance between the slipper and the swash plate, and between the cylinder block and the port plate has a greater impact on the reliability, while the clearance between the piston and the piston chamber, and between the slipper and the piston ball hinge has a smaller impact. The method presented in this paper provides a theoretical reference for the research, design, process and quality control of axial piston pump.
Key words:  hydraulic axial piston pump  volumetric efficiency  clearance leakage  reliability sensitivity  fourth-order