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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

XIAO Yougang,ZHU Chengzhen,LI Wei,HAN Kun.A novel high-order continuous point-to-point motion trajectory planning algorithm[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2021,53(9):135.DOI:10.11918/202002089
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(1.中南大学 交通运输工程学院,长沙 410075; 2.轨道交通安全关键技术国际合作联合实验室(中南大学),长沙 410075)
为解决机器人、数控机床、起重机等机械设备的运动状态变化对系统冲击过大的问题,利用两段双曲正切函数构造衔接点在匀速段的S型速度曲线,并将S型曲线与跟踪微分器结合,生成一种结构简单、高阶连续的点对点运动轨迹 (HCPPMT),通过调整HCPPMT的相关参数,可调节加、减速阶段的快慢程度、匀速阶段的最大速度、作业时间,使点对点运动过程中加速、匀速、减速过程的平滑程度、冲击强度可控、各阶段状态可调,减少了运动状态切换对机械设备的冲击,增强了运动平稳性。应用Lyapunov方法证明了HCPPMT的收敛性,并对HCPPMT具有的一些物理性质进行了严格的数学证明,通过与其他两种轨迹对比,以及在三自由度机械臂末端执行器轨迹规划上的应用,说明了HCPPMT的优越性。
关键词:  点对点运动  轨迹规划  高阶连续  S型曲线
A novel high-order continuous point-to-point motion trajectory planning algorithm
XIAO Yougang1,2,ZHU Chengzhen1,2,LI Wei1,2,HAN Kun1,2
(1. School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China; 2. Joint International Research Laboratory of Key Technology for Rail Traffic Safety (Central South University), Changsha 410075, China)
In order to solve the problem of excessive impact on the system due to the movement state changes in robots, CNC machine tools, lifting machinery, and other equipment, two hyperbolic tangent functions were used to construct the S-type velocity curve with the junction point at uniform motion stage. Combined the S-type velocity curve with tracking differentiator, a high-order continuous point-to-point motion trajectory (HCPPMT) was obtained. By adjusting the relevant parameters of HCPPMT, the speed at acceleration and deceleration stages, as well as the maximum speed and operation time at constant speed stage could be adjusted, so that the smoothness and impact strength during the acceleration, constant speed, and deceleration processes could be controlled, and the states of each stage could be adjusted in the process of point-to-point motion. Therefore, the impact of motion state switching on the mechanical equipment could be reduced and the stability of the motion could be enhanced. The convergence of HCPPMT was proved by Lyapunov method, and the physical properties of HCPPMT were mathematically proved. The superiority of HCPPMT was illustrated by comparing with two other trajectories and the application of trajectory planning for end-effector of three-degree-of-freedom manipulator.
Key words:  point-to-point motion  trajectory planning  high-order continuity  S-type curve