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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

ZHANG Xiaofeng,LU Yang,HOU Weijie,WANG Litong,LI Peng,GU Jinfeng.Development of aerostatic rotary table for micro-gravity test based on porous bronze[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2023,55(1):82.DOI:10.11918/202110064
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(1.先进陶瓷与加工技术教育部重点实验室(天津大学), 天津 300354; 2.天津市微低重力环境模拟技术重点实验室,天津 300301)
在微低重力环境模拟中,为降低涡流干扰力矩,设计了基于多孔青铜节流器的气浮转台系统。首先,在止推轴承选型中,对局部多孔质节流器和全多孔质节流器进行了对比分析,发现在气膜厚度20 μm条件下,全多孔质节流器承载能力比局部多孔质节流器高40%,因此设计选择全多孔节流器形式;然后,分析了在不同供气压力、不同材料渗透率下,气浮转台止推轴承及径向轴承的承载能力和刚度特性,发现选择较小的材料渗透率能够获得更高的气膜刚度,为气浮转台的结构设计提供了依据。最终研制的气浮转台采用开式止推轴承形式,节流器使用自研的多孔青铜材料,通过精密加工技术,使得加工前后的渗透率保持近似不变。试制成功的气浮转台回转精度小于0.8 μm,150 kg负载下,未出现气锤自激振动现象。气浮转台系统的最大干扰力矩为9×10-4 Nm。该气浮转台系统不仅可用于微低重力试验,还可应用于超精密加工等领域。
关键词:  多孔青铜  多孔质节流器  多孔质气体轴承  气浮转台  微低重力试验
Development of aerostatic rotary table for micro-gravity test based on porous bronze
ZHANG Xiaofeng1,LU Yang1,HOU Weijie2,WANG Litong2,LI Peng2,GU Jinfeng2
(1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramics and Machining Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300354, China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Microgravity and Hypogravity Environment Simulation Technology, Tianjin 300301, China)
For the simulation of micro-gravity environment, in order to reduce the vortex interference torque, an aerostatic rotary table system based on porous bronze was designed. First, in the selection of thrust air bearing, the local porous restrictor and full porous restrictor were compared. It was found that at gas film thickness of 20 μm, the load capacity of full porous restrictor was 40% higher than that of local porous restrictor, and thus the full porous restrictor was selected for thrust bearing design. Then, the load capacity and stiffness characteristics of thrust bearing and journal bearing of aerostatic rotary table under different air supply pressure and different material permeability were analyzed. Results showed that when the material permeability was smaller, the gas film stiffness was higher, which provides basis for the structural design of the aerostatic rotary table. Finally, the open-type thrust bearing was adopted in the aerostatic rotary table, and the restrictor was made of self-developed porous bronze material. By precision machining, the permeability was remained approximately unchanged. The rotary accuracy of the trial produced aerostatic rotary table was less than 0.8 μm. There was no self-excited vibration under 150 kg load. The maximum disturbance torque of the developed aerostatic rotary table system was 9×10-4 Nm. The proposed aerostatic rotary table can be used not only in the field of micro-gravity tests, but also in the fields such as ultra-precision machining.
Key words:  porous bronze  porous restrictor  porous air bearing  aerostatic rotary table  micro-gravity test