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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

FAN Yujiang,CHEN Yuxi,LI Huanfang,XU Jinbao,GE Jun.Deformation index limits of a novel prefabricated shear wall based on material strain[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2025,57(2):104.DOI:10.11918/202310049
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(1.长安大学 建筑学院,西安 710061;2.长安大学 建筑工程学院,西安 710061)
为研究新型装配式剪力墙的抗震性能及其变形指标限值,基于课题组所做新型装配式剪力墙抗震性能试验,采用析因法,共设计216个不同剪跨比、轴压比、边缘构件纵筋配筋率等新型装配式剪力墙模型,完成相应的单推性能研究;基于有限元破坏形态识别,将构件破坏形态划分为弯曲破坏、弯剪破坏和剪切破坏3类,提出墙体破坏形态划分准则。参考GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》,对弯曲破坏和弯剪破坏划分6个性能状态,对剪切破坏划分两个性能状态,基于构件极限状态下混凝土、钢筋应变和承载力,确定墙体性能状态判定准则。通过线性回归分别得到弯曲破坏、弯剪破坏和剪切破坏形态下构件各塑性位移角限值的回归方程,并提出各破坏形态下具有90%保证率的构件变形指标限值标准,为基于性能的新型装配式剪力墙抗震设计提供参考。
关键词:  钢筋混凝土  装配式剪力墙  有限元模拟  破坏形态  变形指标限值
Deformation index limits of a novel prefabricated shear wall based on material strain
FAN Yujiang1,2,CHEN Yuxi2,LI Huanfang1,XU Jinbao2,GE Jun2
(1.School of Architecture, Chang′an University, Xi′an 710061, China; 2.School of Civil Engineering,Chang′an University, Xi′an 710061, China)
In order to study the seismic performance and deformation index limits of a new assembled shear wall, based on the seismic performance test of the new assembled shear wall made by the research group, a total of 216 wall models with different shear span ratio, axial compression ratios and longitudinal reinforcement ratios of edge members were designed using factor analysis method. The corresponding single push performance experiment was performed to investigate the structrual behavior. Based on the recognition of failure modes using finite element analysis, the failure modes were divided into three categories: bending failure, bending shear failure and shear failure. A criterion for classifying the failure modes of the shear wall was put forward. Referring to "Code for seismic design of buildings" (GB 50011—2010), six performance states were defined for flexural failure and flexural-shear failure, while two performance states were defined for shear failure. Based on the strain and bearing capacity of concrete and steel bars under the limit state of the component, the criterion of the performance state of the wall was determined. Finally, regression equations were derived through linear regression to determine the limit values of plastic displacement angles for componments under bending failure, bending shear failure and shear failure modes. Furthermore, deformation index limites with 90% guarantee rate were proposed for each failure mode, providing a reference for performance-based seismic design of new assembled shear walls.
Key words:  reinforced concrete  prefabricated shear wall  finite element simulation  failure mode  deformation index limit