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主管单位 中华人民共和国
主办单位 哈尔滨工业大学 主编 李隆球 国际刊号ISSN 0367-6234 国内刊号CN 23-1235/T

LU Jianguo,WAN Xusheng,LIU Li,LI Shuangyang,YAN Zhongrui,QIU Enxi,WU Songbo.Water-heat-salt interaction of sodium sulfate saline soil during a cooling process[J].Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2022,54(2):126.DOI:10.11918/202102029
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(1.西南石油大学 土木工程与测绘学院,成都 610500;2.中国科学院 西北生态环境资源研究院,兰州 730000)
受寒区复杂工程环境影响,盐渍土内部水热状态预测更加困难,而水-热-盐相互作用过程研究是寒区盐渍土冻胀及盐胀机制研究的核心与基础。为此,基于室内降温试验,得到硫酸钠盐渍土结晶温度区间,建立降温过程盐渍土中水-热-盐相互作用计算模型,并对模型的准确性进行验证。结果表明,不同盐分质量分数的硫酸钠盐渍土结晶温度差异较大,高盐分质量分数土样在正温发生盐分结晶,低盐分质量分数土样在负温发生盐分结晶。基于物理现象提出的水-热-盐相互作用计算模型可有效地预测降温过程硫酸钠盐渍土的温度、未冻水体积分数、硫酸钠结晶质量分数及其分布变化。降温过程硫酸钠盐渍土在发生结晶时会产生盐分运移,使局部盐分质量分数增加,进而增大其结晶质量分数。不同盐分质量分数的硫酸钠盐渍土盐分扩散运移能力存在差异,高盐分质量分数土样在正温区间盐分结晶质量分数较大,低盐分质量分数土样在温度区间-4~-6 ℃时盐分运移明显。
关键词:  硫酸钠盐渍土  水-热-盐相互作用  水盐分布  盐分运移
Water-heat-salt interaction of sodium sulfate saline soil during a cooling process
LU Jianguo1,2,WAN Xusheng1,LIU Li1,LI Shuangyang2,YAN Zhongrui1,QIU Enxi1,WU Songbo1
(1.School of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China; 2.Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China)
Affected by the complex engineering environment in cold regions, it is difficult to predict the water and heat states of saline soil, and the research of the interaction process among water, heat, and salt is the core and foundation of frozen soil to reveal the mechanism of frost heave and salt heave. In this study, the crystallization temperature range of sodium sulfate saline soil was obtained through indoor test, the water-heat-salt interaction calculation model of saline soil during a cooling process was established, and the accuracy of the calculation model was verified. Results show that the crystallization temperature varied with initial salt content of soil samples; the salt crystallization for the soil samples with high initial salt content was at positive temperature, while that for the soil samples with low initial salt content was at negative temperature. The water-heat-salt interaction calculation model proposed based on the physical phenomena could effectively predict the variations of temperature, unfrozen water content, amount and distribution of sodium sulfate crystallization during a cooling process. The salt would migrate through the sodium sulfate saline soil when the crystallization occurred during a cooling process, which could increase the salt concentration and the amount of crystallization. Besides, the salt migration ability varied with initial salt content; the soil samples with high initial salt content had more salt crystallization in positive temperature range, and those with low initial salt content had strong salt migration ability in the temperature range of -4 ℃ and -6 ℃.
Key words:  sodium sulfate saline soil  water-heat-salt interaction  water-salt distribution  salt migration